After its stages as a broker, commentator and owner, the Madrileo closes the circle with the design and sale of paintings.

Corridors of the Contador Foundation, with the new bike.
From cro he was passionate about gutting bicycles, fiddling with the pieces, fiddling with the handlebars and the chain pions. That curiosity became a competitive interest in its youth and professional stages. When Lance Armstrong Surprise at the start of a time trial with special tubular, the Madrid responds with a shoe of last generation. Alberto has always been attracted to everything related to technology. He has always been to the last, he points out Fran Accountant, brother and mnager.
Faustino Muoz, his trusted mechanic, also witnesses his obsession with the improvement of the technique. For Contador, bicycles are pieces with their own personality, each brand has its uniqueness. His enthusiasm for machines has led him to create his own line. A new adventure for a tireless former cyclist in the promotion of cycling. I want to give this sport, something of how much he gave me, affects the winner of Tour, Turn and Turn.
The process of research and development of the creature has lasted more than 18 months, and now, with the beginning of the season, Alberto counter opens as a bicycle designer. The closed circle for Madrid: broker, equipment owner, television commentator and now, manufacturer. Cycling as a whole for an ambitious project, with its own stamp. Contador has met with engineers to create an ultra light bike, very suitable for climbing. The Madrid has had the collaboration of the Italian Ivan Basso, friend and partner. The great experience accumulated by Alberto in all his professional years has been reflected in this bicycle. She's the one she always wanted to have, Fran warns.
Presentation in Olive
This initiative started on Monday, with the presentation, in Oliva (Valencia), of the teams sponsored by the Alberto Contador Foundation. The riders of the Continental, sub 23 and jnior teams will carry the new bicycle. In the past seasons they used the Specialized and Trek brands, which from now on will be adversaries in a very competitive market. The intention is that in the next spring, the new machines can be marketed for fans and teams.
They fight with some companies that have dared to sponsor first level squads, such as Trek, Merida, Orbea or Cervlo. The new bicycle is called Abikes, but this name may not be final. Those who have used it ensure that it stands out for its lightness: It is comfortable, comfortable, fast and safe. It is good to climb. All the force of the pedaling goes directly to the frame, conserving all the power, without losing a watt.
At least 6.8 kg
The key to its lightness lies in its lightweight carbon fiber frame. In the Contador environment they keep the machine's weight secret, but the ICU states that it cannot be less than 6.8 kilograms. The brakes are disc and the color, matt black. It is very versatile, mixes the speed of the bicycles of the plain with the lightness of those designed for the ascent, say their relatives. We have been working more than a year and a half with the best to offer the best bike on which I have ridden. I'm like a little boy, Accountant has written on his social networks.
Abikes was one of the main demands of the presentation of the Kometa-Xstra Cycling equipment of the Contador Foundation, which supports a cycling school in Pinto and three sports structures: the junior and sub 23 teams will have templates of 13 runners and the one in category Continental, 12. Since 2013, the beginning of the sports project, it has become a very fruitful quarry, a direct springboard to lite. In the last eight courses, more than 30 runners have achieved professionalism, among them Enric Mas, Fernando Barcel, lvaro Pictures, Carlos Rodrguez, Juan Pedro Lopez, Isaac Cantn, Matteo Moschetti Y Michel Ries.
According to the criteria of
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