Espanyol, already in the First Division, receives a Cartagena in distress

It will not be with his fans celebrating in the stands of the RCDE Stadium, because audiences are still not allowed in the stadiums of The league, but Spanish will jump this Friday (9:00 p.m.) to the grass of Cornellà-El Prat being already a First division team after mathematically confirming their return to that category by drawing (0-0) last Saturday in Saragossa. Opposite will be the Cartagena, who wants to end the season celebrating the permanence but now, with four days to be played in this edition of The league
Smartbank, is in trouble, outside the relegation zone but with only 1 cushion point compared to it.

Vicente Moreno and yours are not on vacation yet. The objective of the promotion has been successfully assumed, but the parakeet team wants to maintain the competitive tension until the end of the course and incidentally get the championship of the silver category of Spanish football. “Sometimes human beings have a tendency to loosen up when they achieve something important. We are going to fight against nature, because we are aware of how important it is for the fans, “said the Blue and White coach yesterday at a press conference.

As for the 'eleven', it is expected that players will have minutes that they have not had too many throughout the season, with Wu lei confirmed as a starter in what will be his last game before concentrating on China and it remains to be seen if the closure of his stage as a soccer player of the Spanish.

The one that won't be available for Vicente Moreno will be Raul De Tomás, in the final phase of his quarantine after testing positive for coronavirus and wanting to return to the green to remain as the top scorer in this edition of LaLiga Smartbank (He has 22, 1 more than the sportinguista Djurdjevic).

The ‘Efesé’, reinforced

Regarding the Cartagena, despite the meager advantage over the relegation zone to which he does not want to fall, he comes to this duel with strengthened morale after winning 1-0 at Castellon last Sunday in a dramatic duel with permanence at stake. The goal in said match was scored by the experienced Ruben Castro, who has been in this league for 16 years and promises to be closely watched by behind the Spanish.

Spanish: Oier; Óscar Gil, Lluis López, Calero, Dídac Vilà; Vargas, Pol Lozano, Fran Mérida, Melamed; Melendo, Wu Lei.

Cartagena: Marc Martínez; Julián Delmás, Raúl Navas, Datkovic, David Forniés; Aburjania, De Blasis, Álex Gallar, Nacho Gil; Elady, Rubén Castro.

Referee: Vicandi Garrido (Basque Committee).

Countryside: RCDE Stadium.

Hour: 21.00.