Raúl, towards Segunda with children

Raúl is the future of the Real Madrid bench. Sooner or later, he seems destined to occupy that place in the club that gave him, and to which he gave, everything. His role at Castilla can only be described as outstanding. In this new and dangerous Second B, he has made the subsidiary advance the first phase, with the 2-4 at Talavera this Sunday he surpassed the second and now has the playoff for promotion to Second. A success despite the fact that the injuries and needs of the team do not stop taking away cash. You are achieving a milestone with children. This season he has pulled eight youthful kids (18 and 19 years old) and several more have filled calls without making their debut.

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Raúl's formative work is being highly appreciated at the club. You don't lose your rings by looking at the teams below. The decisive 2-4 at Talavera was achieved with three starting Youths (Carrillo, Retu and Peter Federico) and another that entered later (Rafa Marín). Four more have intervened in one way or another in this success of the Castillian season: David González, Theo Zidane, Óscar Aranda and Sala, who he is in love with despite his 17 years. Talents also such as Bruno Iglesias, one of the most promising jewels of La Fábrica, have been called up by the mythical Seven but they are yet to stand out.

The entity does not remember a way to squeeze the resources of Castilla since the golden age of Alberto Toril, a decade ago. The average age of the workforce is 20.4 years but in reality the eleven years that Raúl raises lower that average to 19.6 years. The decisive 2-4 has been to Talavera whose squad almost averages 28 years (27.7). Raúl is neutralizing the lack of experience of his boys from strategy, discipline and the absence of excuses. Nor has he raised an eyebrow despite the fact that he has been left without Antonio Blanco and Gutiérrez, two key holders, in the last month due to Zidane's calls. Nor for not winning the first four games of this second phase and being almost out. He did psychology work so that his young pupils wouldn't fall apart. The 2-1 to the powerful Badajoz last week and this 2-4 have given the prize to Castilla. And the biggest can still come, a promotion to Second seven years after leaving the silver category.

While what happens with Zidane begins to disturb Real Madrid and its surroundings, Raúl does his thing. The Bundesliga calls him but he has a job with Castilla before. He is making more merits and showing more training as a coach than Zidane when the Frenchman was in La Fábrica's coach shoes. Good sign for Real Madrid.