Gattuso, as close to the Champions as goodbye

Gennaro Gattuso, Naples coach, now has his team 4th in the Serie A table, in the Champions zone, and at the same time he knows that when the season is over he will have to leave office. But Gattuso wants to fulfill the promise he made to the fans in August and lead Napoli back to the Champions League.

Aurelio De Laurentiis, Napoli president, decided already in January, after the 3-1 defeat against Verona, that Gattuso would not follow. Everything indicates that Luciano Spalletti will be the new coach of the partenopeo team.

Naples is winning, they play great football, the winter crisis is far away. But not even achieving the Champions League place will Gattuso continue, who has held the position since December 11, 2019, when he relieved the dismissed Carlo Ancelotti.

As things have gone, the coach himself will not do anything, according to Gazzetta dello Sport, to try to reverse. If De Laurentiis wants to kick him out, Gattuso wants to leave. Neither side seems willing to forget their disagreements at the beginning of the year.

De Laurentiis does not forgive Gattuso for criticizing him. Gattuso, 43, does not forget the casting organized by the president to find him a replacement. In fact, Gattuso himself sounds to lead Fiorentina, an attractive possibility for the Calabrian coach. But now the former half only thinks about his three finals, those that separate him from fulfilling the promise made to the Neapolitan fans. They are called Udinese, precisely Fiorentina and Verona.