Agnelli is left alone and his presidency at Juventus is “in doubt” according to the Italian press

Andrea Agnelli, president of the Juventus Turin and one of the top promoters of the Super league, was left alone “in Italy and in Europe” and his future at the helm of the Turin team is “more in doubt than ever”, according to the italian press in their covers of this Thursday.

“Agnelli Puzzle”, headlines the Milanese newspaper La Gazzetta dello Sport, which highlights how the Juventine president already does not have support neither in Italy nor in Europe, after nine of the twelve founding members of the Superliga they will resign between this Tuesday and Wednesday to the project. According to the newspaper pinkish his future at the helm of Juventus “is more in doubt than ever “and the final decision will be made by John Elkann, the president of Exor, the largest shareholder of the Juventine club.

Cover of La Gazzeta dello Sport today Thursday.

The Turin newspaper Tuttosport I also know focuses on Agnelli on its cover and, despite assuring that at this time the presidency of Juventus is not in serious danger, it highlights how the Italian businessman must “restablish relationships with UEFA and the Serie A League “.

If the two other Italian clubs founders of the Superliga, the Inter from Milan and AC Milan, they resigned from the project in a clear way, arriving in the Milanese case to apologize to the fans, the Juventus He acknowledged that he gave up, momentarily, due to the abandonment of the other partners.

Juventus Shield / Flag

The Turin and Agnelli box received harsh criticism by the Italian media and by various protagonists of the world of transalpine football, led by the director of Parma Alessandro Lucarelli, who came to define him as a “lousy businessman” who does not respect the values ​​of sport.

The Roman Diary Corriere dello Sport focuses more on the sporty look on the cover of this Thursday and its main headline is about the 3-1 win for Juventus against Parma, penultimate, in the thirty-second day of Serie A.