Can Madrid be expelled from this Champions League? Does it affect the signings?

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Soccer has become a game of poker between the most powerful clubs and at the moment it is difficult to know who has the best hand. Madrid, Barça, Atlético, Manchester United, Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea, Tottenham, Manchester City, Inter, Milan and Juventus have emerged as the founding clubs of the Superliga, a mammoth project that faces UEFA and FIFA and chaired by Florentino Pérez. Bayern Munich and PSG do not appear on the list and for the moment they are positioned on the side of traditional football. However, the questions are endless …

“As already announced by FIFA and the six federations, the clubs in question will not be able to play in any other competition at national, European or world level, and their players could be deprived of the opportunity to represent their national teams “, read the statement with which UEFA manifested its public complaint against the pulse raised by the twelve signatory teams. The threat is clear, but could it happen this season? Could Real Madrid, Chelsea and Manchester City be eliminated outright despite being in the semi-finals?

Is direct elimination possible this course?

Pierre Rondeau, a sports economist consulted by 'Le Parisien', raises a previous case that plays in favor of those registered in the new competition. “In 2018, two speed skaters were deprived of a championship for having participated in a private competition. They contested this decision and the European High Court of Justice ruled in their favor: a federation does not have the right to deprive an athlete or a team of any competition on such pretext. Any athlete could challenge it. As Bosman was planted, Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo could do it in this case “, indicates the specialist.

In article 4, section 4.01 of the UEFA Champions League regulations, the body defends that to be eligible in the competition, clubs must comply with article 5, 'Integrity of the competition'. It states that “to ensure the integrity of the competition, competitors must meet the following requirements”:

  • No club may own shares or securities of another club participating in a UEFA competition.
  • Be a member of another club participating in a UEFA competition.
  • Being involved in the administration or management of another UEFA competition.

Furthermore, they indicate that “no individual or legal entity may have control or influence over more than one club participating in a UEFA competition “. While they point out that all these requirements, in addition to filling in the necessary documentation and classifying themselves by sporting merits. Must be met before August 3, 2020, deadline set for compliance with them.

Previous cases?

Therefore, it is understood that Real Madrid, Chelsea and Manchester City would be safe in the current season, since the regulations, as well as the aforementioned case, would work in their favor. Likewise, in the entire history of the maximum continental competition, there has never been a case in which a club, for one reason or another, has been expelled from the mass with the competition underway.

Cases such as Milan, which could not participate in the Europa League in 2019 for not complying with the Financial Fair Play, were prior to the starting gun of the tournament in question. While threats of sanction such as the one faced by Manchester City also implied non-participation, but in later campaigns and not in the one he was playing at that time.

Are national competitions dangerous?

However, the dangers go beyond the Champions League and we cannot ignore that in UEFA's threat that “The clubs in question will not be able to play in any other competition at national, European or world level.” Namely, the organism would try to remove the twelve participants from LaLiga, the Premier and Serie A, the domestic competitions in which they participate and whose associations align with UEFA and FIFA in this fight.

Does it affect the transfer market?

On the other hand, it seems clear that the transfer market would be affected. The Financial Fair Play would pass away as far as the Super League is concerned and “the new competition will be built with financial sustainability criteria, since all the Founding Clubs agree to adopt a spending framework”, as stated in the published note this Sunday that made the launch of the competition official. There will also be a payment of 3,500 million to the founders that will go to infrastructures. Therefore, the participants will have a much greater financial muscle.

A] Yes, It is difficult for the teams that are left out to compete in the market with Real Madrid, Barça, Manchester United … This would place PSG, Bayern and Borussia Dortmund in a very difficult position. In other words, Neymar, Lewandowski, Mbappé or Haaland would be outside the world's largest showcase between clubs. Will they be true to their current colors knowing the new situation if it is confirmed? In France they were already considering it and L'Équipe understands that “it would be more difficult to keep Neymar and Mbappé”. With Real Madrid laying their eyes on the Frenchman and on a Haaland that would see itself in a similar situation, the Whites would face the next summer window in an advantageous position. Since the Parisian has not yet renewed and the economic situation borusser it is not at all flattering.