Cardboard beds that will welcome athletes in Tokyo 2020.
I walk to Tokyo.
Berta Bonastre and Carlota Petchame, cousins and international: “We live hockey from the cradle”
The Tokyo 2020 organization announced that works have been completed for the residential area of the Olympic Village that will begin operating next July. 21 buildings have been erected to accommodate about 10,000 athletes and support staff during the Games.
Those buildings can accommodate 18,000 cardboard beds. The material of the beds, manufactured by the company Airweave for a Games wishing to reduce its ecological impact, aroused the doubts of the Australian basketball player Andrew Bogut about his ability to resist sexual activity that traditionally triggers in Olympic events.
“Very good initiative until the athletes finish their competition and the thousands of condoms distributed in the Villa Olmpica begin to be used“, I joked on his Twitter account.
Following Bogut's comment, AFP contacted the manufacturer, who assured that the cardboard beds will resist sexual activities in Villa Olmpica without problem, provided that only two people lie down at the same time in them, since they can support up to 200 kilos.
“We have performed tests, such as throwing weight on the beds. (…) While there are only two people in bed, they must be solid enough to support the load“, says a spokesman for the company.
Bogut's peculiar concern arises because of the fame that Olympic villas have as auspicious places for sexual encounters. In the last Pyeongchang Winter Games, the Tinder application saw its use rise to 350%, and in the summer of Ro 2016, the organizers distributed 450,000 condoms, that is 42 per athlete.
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