Gasperini faces a 20-day sanction for making a mess at an anti-doping control

Gian Piero Gasperini is not a man of easy character. A magnificent coach has always asked his players for the maximum. Loved for his methods, he has also had differences with many of his pupils. The last one, Papu Gómez. His peculiar character has always played tricks on him and the last le can lead to a 20-day disqualification without being able to sit on the Atalanta bench.

Anti-doping prosecutor Pierfilippo Laviano asks the Italian coach for a harsh sanction for insulting an inspector during an anti-doping control, interrupting the test that a player of his was undergoing and forcing the player to return to training. It all happened on February 7 when the Italian National Anti-Doping Association came by surprise at the Atalanta facilities to test four players from the squad. Upon learning, Gasperini went into a rage and lashed out at the inspectors.

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Gasperini thus violated article 3 paragraph 3 of the anti-doping regulations and he was exposed to a sanction by the prosecution. The prosecutor proposed to Atalanta and his coach an out-of-court settlement for a 10-day sanction that Gasperini dismissed. This Tuesday it was known that Gasperini has been summoned to testify before the Anti-Doping Court in a hearing on May 10. If the Italian is finally sentenced to 20 days of disqualification, Atalanta will lose their coach in the final leg of Serie A.

Gasperini would miss the games against Benevento, Genoa and Milan. But what is more important, Nor could he have contact with his players for the Italian Cup final against Juventus, set for May 19. A tremendous mess in which Gasperini has gotten himself when Atalanta plays a title and their qualification for the Champions League.