Espanyol, without news against Leganés

Brown He does not want surprises in the face of the duel that tonight he will face Spanish Y Leganes in the RCDE
Stadium (9:00 pm) and will continue betting on the block that has led the parakeet team to regain the lead thanks to four consecutive victories, with 14 goals in favor and only one against in the last four days.

Before the casualties of Miguelón Y Oscar
Gil, the technician has decided to locate the left-hander Dídac
Vilà as an improvised right-back, while the rest of the eleven is the same that took the three points from Carlos Belmonte last weekend, except for the return of Leandro
Cabrera, absent due to sanction in Albacete, to the detriment of Ferdinand

Dimata and RDT pointed

The Blue and Whites will seek revenge after the defeat in the first round in Butarque (2-0) with: Diego López; Dídac, David López, Calero, Pedrosa; Embarba, Keidi Bare, Darder, Puado, Dimata and RDT.