Infantino explained to the G20 his reforms against corruption in football

The president of the FIFA, Gianni Infantino, has explained to the members of the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group the eleven reforms introduced to prevent this scourge in football and has offered the FIFA as a partner to help governments in this fight.

Infantino – FIFA reports in a statement – had been invited to speak about the fight against corruption in sport and shared “the lessons learned by the new FIFA through its post-2016 reforms, as well as in the wake of the corruption scandal. that brought down the previous government team. “

The president outlined, in this matter, the path traveled by FIFA in the first five years of his mandate and listed eleven key reforms designed “to tackle corruption, to restore accountability in FIFA and more generally in football, and to safeguard the integrity of football and, of course, FIFA. “

The reforms are carried out in a transparent bidding process for the FIFA World Cup; the separation of political and executive powers; the limitation of mandates and the control of the eligibility of the elected offices; transparency of finances and remuneration; a transparent and centrally supervised transfer system.

Also an audited and accountable investment in football development, including a fivefold investment (USD 1.8 billion) compared to the past; internal and external compliance supervised by an independent Audit and Compliance Committee; judicial bodies guided by a new FIFA Code of Ethics; strict bidding processes for transparent contracting; the promotion of women to decision-making positions, and the protection of human rights, minors and children in sport.

Infantino expressed FIFA's desire to establish partnership frameworks with G20 members and pointed to the power of football to help fight corruption.

“It is crucial that the G20 take an interest in these issues and set a clear political direction, because football is much more than a sport. Sport in general is of great importance for our society, economically and socially, but also in terms of education. We are here to offer our collaboration, we are here to offer to do our part as players of a world team that fights corruption, “he said.