“What I see in the field already looks like what we want”

In three games, the questions have changed radically at Espanyol. But Vicente Moreno's responses maintain their tone of prudence and confidence in the final objective. After thrashing a Fuenlabrada that was left with ten players before minute 20, the coach made clear the good game of his team: “The feelings are very good. What I see on the pitch already looks like what we want. Things happen that we talked about before the game. And it gives joy. And it is accompanied by goals, but maintaining this is very complicated. We provoke everything what came later. We cannot lose sight of the rival's entity. “

Moreno does not want to speculate if against 11 players the result would have been similar, taking into account the good starter parakeet in the match. But he did highlight that he loved the Espanyol staging: “It's football fiction. We always put ourselves in the assumption, but I think we started very well. We had arrived, we had a post, we dominated … The feeling is that it was a matter of time, but we cannot know it.”

Espanyol Shield / Flag

Finally, the coach also congratulated the good understanding between Nany Dimata and Raúl de Tomás in the first time they played together at the beginning: “I saw them very well. I am lucky to have good players. When one or the other plays there are different variants. Other things appear. Melendo gives us many things and good but different things to the two forwards. We have to see what we have in front of us.”

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José Luis Oltra.

“I would have preferred goal to penalty and expulsion”

José Luis Oltra, Fuenlabrada coach, appeared shortly before Vicente Moreno with a sincere and realistic speech, leaving aside the controversies: “The red conditions, it was another game. From minute 15 there was no. We did not go well, we were not solid as in the last games. It was difficult for us to have the ball. The feelings were not good, but obviously the penalty and the expulsion modify everything. . All the circumstances of the match were adverse. “

Shield / Flag Fuenlabrada

In this regard, the coach did not see the play clearly, he acknowledges that it may be “goal or hand”, but he is clear that “I would have preferred it to be a goal and continue with eleven and compete in the game, not a penalty and expulsion. Surely it is a goal and hand. I'm not looking for excuses”. Even at halftime he already told his players that “I told them that we had to minimize damage and think about the next one. The team let go after the circumstances, as if we had an excuse or alibi. We have not competed.”