two – Italy: Donnarumma; Florenzi, Bonucci, Chiellini, Emerson (Spinazzola, m.75); Verratti, Locatelli (Pessina, m.84), Pellegrini (Barella, m.63); Insigne (Grifo, m.84), Berardi (Chiesa, m.75), Immobile.
0 – Ireland
North: Peacock Farrell; Smith, Cathcart, Evans, McNair, Dallas; Evans, Davis, McCann (Thomson, m.78); Whyte (Lavery, m.63), Magennis (Laffery, m.78).
Goals: 1-0, m.13: Berardi; 2-0, m.40: Immobile.
Referee: Ali Wordyik (RUS). He showed yellow card to Saville (m.48) and Thomson (m.93), from Northern Ireland.
Incidents: Match corresponding to the first day of European Group C of the qualifying phase for Qatar 2022 played behind closed doors at the Tardini stadium in Parma.