Vicente Moreno's Espanyol, as in Gila's war

No trade and almost no profit. It is happening to Spanish, especially a few days to this part, that if a Martian – with football notions, yes – landed in the land Without knowing the classification or the record of any club, I would have serious doubts as to whether the firm aspiring to promotion, the team forced to rise to First, the historical one for 85 seasons in the highest category, is Espanyol or any of its last adversaries. In the case of Mirandés, the aggravating factor is that it is the youngest set of Second, although far from being intimidated, he made up with self-confidence that lack of trade that parrots do have, although sometimes it seems to be kept in the drawer of oblivion. No trade or – as far as results are concerned – almost no profit. Because the 2-2, not even reaching the end can be considered epic or positive.

Espanyol Shield / Flag

Gila's war. “With these players I go to war,” he pointed out Vicente Moreno on Friday. Well, in view of the result and especially the deployment of a mediocre Espanyol since the beginning of this 2021 in the style of that terrifying last season when there was no Massanassa but yes, the current sports director and general manager-, The war to which the parakeet coach refers is fought with the occasional real bullet that sneaks through a forest of paintball guns, perhaps water, or is directly the one with which the great Miguel Gila, who through his phone calls while he lay leveraged in the trench wanted the enemy to surrender after exposing the most ridiculous excuses. The plan stopped working weeks ago, and despite the resources available to the staff, no other alternative idea appears. Only the goal of Nico Melamed make up some changes that do not usually bring lately. The direct promotion is complicated – no matter how much Espanyol occupies it right now – and the enemies, to continue with the war jargon, grow and no longer even ambush.

Very different rear, identical cracks. The technician gave input to Calero, in the most surprising novelty of an alignment in which they also returned Oscar Gil –After injury– and Pedrosa –After sanction–. That is, a completely new defense except for Cabrera, and with extension of changes in the pivot with David Lopez to the detriment, by mere technical decision, of Keidi Bare. Apparently, too many variations for it to work, at least initially, and this was demonstrated in an overwhelming start by Mirandés and a high heel goal, half genius half demerit for not covering the near post. But, above all, in the action that led to the 1-0 corner, one more day the concession of a kick from the edge of the area. So marked Nahuel, of Oviedo, thus paved his way Meseguer. Different day, same story.

Mirandés Shield / Flag

To third parties and at all risk. The week marked by the phrase of Embarba, “Some colleagues do not even know that we are third”, elevated to almost syntactic analysis to discern if he said it literally or if it was a bad example to consider that the important thing is not to be third now but at the end. The extreme retaliated for all controversy with a performance at least unbalancing, from more in the first part to less in the resumption, with spark and that complicity with Raúl de Tomás which served to make 1-1, after suspense by a VAR who tried to study for three minutes an offside that clearly was not, except at the sight of a line that was not giving a single one. Like car insurance, Espanyol follows third parties, but the couple Embarba-RdT it is fully insured. Too bad it is of little use lately.

Anduva's thermometer. Although there have only been three clashes in their history, Espanyol will continue without having won in Anduva. Two draws and one defeat. It is enough to review that small balance as to be alarmed. In the first clash, 29 seasons ago, the parrots played in First and the Mirandés, in Third. In the second, in First and Second B, respectively. And now both in Second A. As the blue and white do not abandon this inertia …