Juve puts Cristiano up for sale

The resounding defeat of Juventus against Porto in the knockout stages of the Champions League has caused the leaders of the Italian club to rethink the project. The European setback of Vecchia Signora is a serious blow to the coffers of the entity. According to SportMediaset, the Juve board recognizes that “the budget is in the red and we are discussing how to intervene without having to make too many cuts that could compromise the technical level of the team.”


The Juventus leaders, also according to SportMediaset, have valued that Cristiano's departure is the most important step to fix the budget. The signing of Cristiano by the Italian club has been a failure, since since his arrival the team has not passed the quarterfinals of the Champions League. Cristiano receives 54 million gross per season, A figure that is not acceptable at this time for Juventus due to the aftermath of the pandemic and the significant losses left by this latest European failure.

Cristiano still has one more year on his contract, but Juventus intends to get rid of him this summer. The Italian club wants to make money with its star and would be confirmed with receiving 60 million euros to now get his high record and recover a large part of the 100 million he paid in 2018 to Madrid. PSG is his most likely destination if the Portuguese star finally leaves Turin.