“People greatly underestimate Federer's patience”

Pierre Paganini is one of the great architects of Roger Federer's return to competition this Wednesday at the Doha tournament. The preparer granted a interview with the French newspaper L'Équipe to review how the Swiss's rehabilitation has been after his knee surgeries and his expectations for his return.

Paganini confessed that Federer had already dragged these problems in his right knee for a long time and that is why he decided to undergo surgery. “After playing the Match in Africa exhibition with Rafa Nadal, on February 19 Federer had surgery on his right knee. That knee has given him problems for years but we managed it with proper planning. It wasn't a big deal as long as he could play and train. good. When a problem exists for several years it ends up getting complicated. You had to go slowly, at the rhythm of a snail. This time, after the two operations, the knee was very fragile “

The coach also wanted to compare the difference between the knee operation Federer underwent in 2016 and the current situation, in which the Swiss has taken longer to return to training. “When he had his left knee operation in 2016 Federer had more muscle. Now we have had a total stop and his muscles have deteriorated. A long time has passed between the first operation and the start of rehabilitation. We were able to go back to training in October. “

Paganini also highlighted Federer's great capacity for endurance and patience to continue playing again. “If you see him train you would say that he is fine, that nothing has happened. It's good for Roger because he's had incredible patience to get here. We have to see how his body reacts, but it is already a great victory for Roger to be able to get back on the court and play “

Regarding Federer's possible departure from the circuit, Paganini says that the Swiss has not yet set a date and that he wants to continue proving himself. “Of course Federer has a limit, but he is training a lot now because he wants to know where that limit is. People underestimate Federer's patience. Without that patience Federer would have given up a long time ago. “