Paços Ferreira – Tondela in live

Min. 90With the actions finished we say goodbye, but do not forget to keep up to date with the main sporting events on this page. See you soon!

Min. 90End of this period of the match.

Min. 90Lack! Marcelo (Paços Ferreira) has committed a foul on Strkalj.

Min. 90Ricardo Alves wins a free kick from Hélder (Paços Ferreira). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.

Min. 90Fernando Fonseca (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.

Min. 90Throw-in by Fernando Fonseca (Paços Ferreira).

Min. 90Change in Tondela: Telmo Arcanjo leaves and Pedro Augusto enters his place.

Min. 90Change in Tondela: Anne leaves and Tiago Almeida enters her place.

Min. 90The ball goes out and Murillo (Tondela) takes the throw.

Min. 89Ibrahim (Paços Ferreira) commits a foul on Pedro Augusto.

Min. 89Throw-in by Tiago Almeida (Tondela), who puts the ball into play.

Min. 88Throw-in by Tiago Almeida (Tondela).

Min. 88The ball goes out and Tiago Almeida (Tondela) takes the throw.

Min. 88Change in Paços Ferreira: Ibrahim leaves and Douglas Tanque enters his place.

Min. 87Throw-in by Murillo (Tondela).

Min. 87Lack! Duarte Castanheira (Paços Ferreira) has committed a foul on Pedro Augusto.

Min. 86Lack! Douglas Tanque (Paços Ferreira) has fouled Medioub.

Min. 85Goal! Joao Pedro (Paços Ferreira) has scored !!!

Min. 85Good shot from Joao Pedro (Paços Ferreira)! Throw with the right leg. Well run.

Min 84Ball to the area of ​​Hélder (Paços Ferreira).

Min 84Strkalj (Tondela) commits a foul on Marcelo.

Min. 83The referee stops the game after observing that Diaby (Paços Ferreira) touched the ball with his hand.

Min. 83Throw-in by Tiago Almeida (Tondela).

Min. 82Lack! Roberto Olabe (Tondela) has committed a foul on Joao Pedro.

Min. 81Roberto Olabe wins a free kick from Luiz Carlos (Paços Ferreira). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.

Min. 81Niasse (Tondela) starts the play with a goal kick.

Min. 81Change in Tondela: Strkalj leaves and Joao Pedro enters his place.

Min. 81There is a substitution: Roberto Olabe replaces González (Tondela).

Min. 81Change in Paços Ferreira: Joao Pedro leaves and Bruno Costa enters.

Min. 80Whoops! Diaby (Paços Ferreira) shoots with the right. The ball goes out of goal.

Min 79Hélder (Paços Ferreira) is offside and watch the linesman raise his pennant.

Min 79Fernando Fonseca (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.

Min. 77Crossing into the box: Bruno Costa (Paços Ferreira) takes the ball from the left.

Min. 77Bruno Costa (Paços Ferreira) kicks a corner from the right.

Min. 77Bruno Costa shoots low with his left leg between the three sticks, but the goalkeeper lunges to the left for the ball.

Min. 76The referee blows his whistle: Foul by Douglas Tanque (Paços Ferreira) on Jaume Grau.

Min. 75The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Murillo (Tondela) to Bruno Costa.

Min. 74Niasse's (Tondela) goal kick that puts the ball in motion again.

Min. 73Hélder (Paços Ferreira) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.

Min. 73Brito Gonzaga (Paços Ferreira) tries to connect the ball with his head, although his shot fails to see the door.

Min. 73Paços Ferreira tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Bruno Costa centers from the left wing.

Min. 73Bruno Costa (Paços Ferreira) kicks a corner from the right.

Min. 73Ball to the area of ​​Bruno Costa (Paços Ferreira).

Min. 73Jordi's (Paços Ferreira) goal kick that puts the ball back into motion.

Min. 72Jaume Grau tries a high shot with his left foot, but the ball goes to the left.

Min. 72Joao Pedro wins a free kick from Hélder (Paços Ferreira). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.

Min. 71Jordi's (Paços Ferreira) goal kick that puts the ball back into motion.

Min. 71Filipe Ferreira (Tondela) will have to keep trying his luck if he wants to add something to his personal locker. He tried it with a shot with his left foot.

Min. 71Joao Pedro centers from the left but the ball goes straight out.

Min. 71Joao Pedro (Tondela) throws a corner from the right.

Min. 71Joao Pedro centers from the left but the ball goes straight out.

Min. 70Ball to the area of ​​Joao Pedro (Tondela).

Min. 70Jordi's (Paços Ferreira) goal kick that puts the ball back into motion.

Min. 69Filipe Ferreira (Tondela) takes the throw.

Min. 68Paços Ferreira tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Duarte Castanheira centers from the left wing.

Min. 68Change in the ranks of Tondela: Rafael Barbosa replaces Salvador Agra.

Min. 67Foul by Bruno Costa (Paços Ferreira) to Murillo.

Min. 66Joao Pedro scores a goal for Tondela !!!

Min. 66What an opportunity for Joao Pedro (Tondela) !!! The player shoots directly at goal.

Min. 66Good pitch from Joao Pedro (Tondela)!

Min. 64Yellow card for Pedro Rebocho (Paços Ferreira).

Min. 64The referee interprets that there has been a hand from Pedro Rebocho (Paços Ferreira) and stops the play.

Min. 63Game underway with a goal kick from Niasse (Tondela).

Min. 63Change in the ranks of Paços Ferreira: Pedro Rebocho replaces Ze Uilton.

Min. 63Paços Ferreira's bench moves with the replacement of Hélder by Singh.

Min. 63Paços Ferreira's bench moves with the replacement of Duarte Castanheira by Joao Amaral.

Min. 62Whoops! Bruno Costa (Paços Ferreira) shoots with the right. The ball goes out of goal.

Min. 62Fernando Fonseca (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.

Min. 61Filipe Ferreira (Tondela) takes the throw.

Min. 61González fires a volley towards the goal that the goalkeeper easily stops.

Min. 61Joao Pedro (Tondela) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.

Min. 61Center to the area: Joao Pedro (Tondela) is the one who hits the ball from the left.

Min. 60Ze Uilton (Paços Ferreira) has been shown a yellow card.

Min. 59Murillo wins a free kick from Ze Uilton (Paços Ferreira). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.

Min. 59Niasse (Tondela) takes a goal kick.

Min. 57de Brito Gonzaga (Paços Ferreira) miscalculates his career and is caught offside.

Min. 57Cross to the area by Joao Amaral (Paços Ferreira).

Min. 57Joao Amaral (Paços Ferreira) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.

Min. 57Lack! Murillo (Tondela) has committed a foul on Ze Uilton.

Min. 56Center to the area: Luiz Carlos (Paços Ferreira) is the one who hits the ball from the left.

Min. 56Ball into Singh's area (Paços Ferreira) from the right.

Min. 56The ball goes out and Tiago Almeida (Tondela) takes the throw.

Min. 55Pedro Augusto wins a free kick from Luiz Carlos (Paços Ferreira). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.

Min. 54Throw-in by Ze Uilton (Paços Ferreira).

Min. 54Ball to the area of ​​Joao Pedro (Tondela).

Min. 53Murillo wins a free kick from Singh (Paços Ferreira). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.

Min. 53Game underway with a goal kick from Niasse (Tondela).

Min. 52Joao Amaral (Paços Ferreira) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.

Min. 52Joao Amaral (Paços Ferreira) dribbles a corner from the right.

Min. 52Joao Amaral centers from the left but the ball goes straight out.

Min. 52Paços Ferreira tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Joao Amaral centers from the left wing.

Min. 51Whoops! Joao Amaral (Paços Ferreira) shoots with the right. The ball goes out of goal.

Min. 51Lack! Luiz Carlos (Paços Ferreira) has committed a foul on Pedro Augusto.

Min. 50Foul by Salvador Agra (Tondela) to Joao Amaral.

Min. 49Murillo (Tondela) is offside and watches the linesman raise his pennant.

Min. 48Lack! Tiago Almeida (Tondela) has fouled Singh.

Min. 48The referee shows the yellow card to Jaume Grau.

Min. 48Lack! Jaume Grau (Tondela) has committed a foul on Luiz Carlos.

Min. 46The referee signals the start of this period.

Min. 45The referee signals the end of this period.

Min. 45The referee blows his whistle: Foul by Joao Pedro (Tondela) on Bruno Costa.

Min. 45Ball to the area of ​​Fernando Fonseca (Paços Ferreira).

Min. 43González (Tondela) is offside and watches the linesman raise his pennant.

Min. 43Lack! Salvador Agra (Tondela) has fouled Singh.

Min 42Center to the area: Joao Pedro (Tondela) is the one who hits the ball from the left.

Min 42Joao Pedro (Tondela) throws a corner from the right.

Min 42Filipe Ferreira (Tondela) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.

Min. 41Throw-in by Tiago Almeida (Tondela), who puts the ball into play.

Min. 41The ball goes out and Ze Uilton (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.

Min 40No gunpowder! The ball is lost beyond the goal after Ricardo Alves (Tondela) manages to head it.

Min 40Ball to the area of ​​Joao Pedro (Tondela).

Min 40Joao Pedro (Tondela) throws a corner from the right.

Min 40Joao Pedro (Tondela) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.

Min 40Ball to the area of ​​Tiago Almeida (Tondela).

Min 39Left-handed shot by Jaume Grau (Tondela) who fails to go between the three suits.

Min 39Tondela attacks from the right wing: Filipe Ferreira puts the ball in.

Min 39Throw-in by Tiago Almeida (Tondela), who puts the ball into play.

Min 37Center to the area: Joao Pedro (Tondela) is the one who hits the ball from the left.

Min 37Lack! Ze Uilton (Paços Ferreira) has committed a foul on Murillo.

Min. 35Ball to the area of ​​Salvador Agra (Tondela) from the right.

Min. 34The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Diaby (Paços Ferreira) to Pedro Augusto.

Min. 34Throw-in by Filipe Ferreira (Tondela).

Min. 34Niasse (Tondela) starts the play with a goal kick.

Min 33Outside! Douglas Tanque (Paços Ferreira) tried it but his header missed high to the right of the frame.

Min 33Bruno Costa (Paços Ferreira) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.

Min 33Paços Ferreira tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Bruno Costa centers from the left wing.

Min 32Jaume Grau (Tondela) commits a foul on Douglas Tanque.

Min 32Fernando Fonseca (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.

Min 32Jordi's (Paços Ferreira) goal kick that puts the ball back into motion.

Min. 31Filipe Ferreira (Tondela) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.

Min. 31Game underway with a goal kick from Jordi (Paços Ferreira).

Min. 30Center to the Salvador Agra area (Tondela).

Min. 30Ball to the area of ​​Salvador Agra (Tondela) from the right.

Min. 30Center to the area: Joao Amaral (Paços Ferreira) is the one who hits the ball from the left.

Min. 29Murillo (Tondela) takes the throw.

Min. 29Throw-in by Filipe Ferreira (Tondela).

Min. 28The ball goes out and Fernando Fonseca (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.

Min. 28The ball goes out and Ze Uilton (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.

Min. 27Jordi (Paços Ferreira) starts the play with a goal kick.

Min. 26Filipe Ferreira (Tondela) takes the throw.

Min. 25Niasse's (Tondela) goal kick that puts the ball in motion again.

Min. 25The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Jaume Grau (Tondela) to Joao Amaral.

Min. 24The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Douglas Tanque (Paços Ferreira) to Ricardo Alves.

Min. 24Jordi (Paços Ferreira) takes a goal kick.

Min. 23Salvador Agra tries a low shot with his right leg, but it goes far from the right post.

Min. 22Throw-in by Salvador Agra (Tondela), who puts the ball into play.

Min. 21Douglas Tanque (Paços Ferreira) miscalculates his sprint and sees how the assistant invalidates his action. Offside.

Min. 19Foul by Diaby (Paços Ferreira) to Joao Pedro.

Min. 19The ball goes out and Ze Uilton (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.

Min. 18Foul by Jaume Grau (Tondela) to Douglas Tanque.

Min. 17Murillo (Tondela) is offside and watches the linesman raise his pennant.

Min. 17Salvador Agra shoots low a ball that is directed to the goal and that the goalkeeper stops at the bottom left.

Min. 16The referee stops the game after observing that Diaby (Paços Ferreira) touched the ball with his hand.

Min. 16Bruno Costa (Paços Ferreira) commits a foul on Joao Pedro.

Min. 14The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Joao Pedro (Tondela) to Diaby.

Min. 14Game underway with a goal kick from Niasse (Tondela).

Min. 13Outside! Shot with the right leg of Bruno Costa (Paços Ferreira), who sees how the ball goes away from the three sticks.

Min. 13Jordi's (Paços Ferreira) goal kick that puts the ball back into motion.

Min. 12Salvador Agra (Tondela) commits a foul on Marcelo.

Min. 10The ball goes out and Murillo (Tondela) takes the throw.

Min 09Marcelo (Paços Ferreira) commits a foul on González.

Min 07Lack! Douglas Tanque (Paços Ferreira) has committed a foul on Joao Pedro.

Min 06Jordi's (Paços Ferreira) goal kick that puts the ball back into motion.

Min 06Center to the area of ​​Filipe Ferreira (Tondela).

Min 02Goool! Douglas Tanque's shot goes through the middle of the goal!

Min 02Great shot with the left leg of Douglas Tanque (Paços Ferreira), which adds a launch between the three sticks.

Min 02Fernando Fonseca (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.

Min. 01The ball is already rolling on the grass!