Toni Freixa: “The partners will not vote to open the doors to Barça SA on the Laporta-Font axis”

He candidate for the presidency of FC Barcelona Toni Freixa has once again influenced his rivals Joan Laporta and Víctor Font would open the door for Barça to become a Public Limited Company with their proposals, something that considers that the partner will not vote.

“We understand that opening the doors of Barça SA, as the Laporta-Font axis points out, with capitalization proposals impossible to return and the loss forever and ever of the capital part of the club's businesses is a perspective that our partners will not vote for”, Freixa stated.

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The candidate, in statements provided by his team, considers that against the disastrous result by Barça of the political, media and economic interests that need to quickly recover all the money invested in this campaign, the partners see in 'Fidels al Barça' “a present capable of finding the best, austere, effective and solid solutions”.

“We do not promise to sell assets because this means impoverishing us but new resources that are still possible and an improvement in the quality of the sponsors that reinforce and guarantee our ownership model “, he assured.

“Electorally, we are only faced with the threats of losing the Barça of the 121 years of history that Laporta and Font represent. But, we have the strength and unanimity of the partners that they will not renounce the club that we have forged since Gamper with total independence from the great lobbies that today move the world, “he reiterated.

Freixa makes these statements following a survey carried out with more than 900 partners, on Sunday, January 24, through social networks that shows a result favorable to their interests. A survey carried out by a company specialized in group location and contact systems, in this case FC Barcelona partners.

According to that survey, with 710 members who responded out of 970 telematically interviewed, 42 percent of them would vote in the presidential elections for Toni Freixa, 32 percent for Joan Laporta and only 17 percent for Víctor Font, with a 9 percent undecided.