Gabriel Paulista renews with Valencia until 2024

Gabriel Paulista is already a heavyweight in the Valencia and now he has a contract according to that situation. The one who is already one of the team captains this Friday renewed his relationship with the club Mestalla until 2024 and showed his desire to hang up his boots in the entity.

“I would like to retire one day at this club that gives me everything every day, I have great respect for all of you, for the players, for the people on the street … Yes, I would like to retire here one day,” he said.

“My family wants to live here too. We are going to work and see the future that awaits us. I want to continue making history with this shirt and do my best, “he said in statements provided by the club.

Paulista He has been with the entity for three and a half years, where he arrived in the summer of 2017 from Arsenal and ends his contract in 2022. In this, the salary increase is also linked to the fact that he no longer occupies a foreign position since he has just finished acquire dual nationality.

The player said that “from day one” he identified “a lot” with the entity. “From the first day I tried to do my best and I adapted to everything: the club, the fans, the city …”, he explained.

“I started to have a love and affection for this club and every day I try to improve more defending this shield, which deserves it. I am very happy for everything the club is giving to me and my family. I am going to try to do more for this club and make people happy knowing that we are going through a difficult time in the world and that footballers have to bring joy to everyone ”, he recalled.