“Mourinho's latest humiliation of Alli is a dictatorial act”

Stan collymore, once prolific Liverpool forward and an old acquaintance of LaLiga after less than six weeks in Oviedo to finally hang up his boots, has charged hard against Jose Mourinho due to the situation that Dele Alli is experiencing at Tottenham Hotspur.

The ex-striker of Stone describes as a “dictatorial act” and a “cruel humiliation” the absence of Dele on the list against Sheffield. In his place, Gelson Fernandes entered, and Collymore exploded.

“For Dele Alli, being left out of the team for Fernandes was the ultimate insult. There he can be many things but not a bad professional. You may think that he has not played at a sufficient level, that he is lazy training, but, if you think that one of the best players of the best generation in Tottenham history deserves the indignity of having someone ahead who has not done anything in the club (Fernandes), you have to give your thinking a twist. It is unforgivable for Jose Mourinho “, assured the former striker in his column.

Collymore would not lack a good criticism for the midfielder either, but he ends up better off than his coach. “Don't get me wrong, Alli has made merits to be criticized by the coach. There he is a big boy and Mourinho sees him train every day and, obviously, he sees something that he doesn't like but I still don't understand what Alli has been able to do that puts him in the category of “treating with total disrespect” and that is what I find embarrassing. Normally, a coach would say to you, “Look man, you're not my type. Talk to your agent and if you get this offer, you can go.” But putting Fernandes on the bench ahead of Alli is a hostile act by a coach to tell you that he wants you to go now, “adds Collymore, that recalls his departure from Aston Villa, in which he was forced to train with the subsidiary without any possibility of playing.

After recalling his experience, Collymore activates the countdown. According to him, this conflict already puts Mourinho on the starting ramp. “This is the revenge of which I speak sometimes about Mourinho. It is not enough to tell someone they have to do more and show them the way to go, they have to rub it on the player's nose, over and over again. As long as it works, he will have his followers eating out of his hand but remember, he is treating Alli like a dog that will one day bite him on the butt. Because players tend to be sheep before a dictator like him but they never forget. Mourinho better keep winning, because the countdown to his departure has already begun, “he says.