The defect that Mourinho sees his Tottenham

José Mourinho expressed his disappointment after his Tottenham again squandered an advantage on the scoreboard to end up drawing on Sunday against Wolves de Nuno Espirito Santo (Portuguese compatriot) on Sunday in the match that completed the day of Boxing Day (1- 1). From leader Tottenham has gone to 5th in the Premier after their latest results, with defeats against Liverpool (2-1) and Leicester (0-2), along with 1-1 against Crystal Palace and Wolves.

“It's disappointing, of course,” said Mourinho, who saw how, after Tanguy Ndombélé scored, at 57 seconds, Romain Saiss ’drew in the 86th minute.“ We had 89 minutes to score more goals and we didn't. But it is not only a matter of that, it is not being ambitious and that is where I think the problem lies ”. The Portuguese coach affirmed that he will meet his players again to discuss the matter.

Like at Crystal Palace's home (1-1 too), Tottenham left space for Wolves to grow, pressure and end up drawing the match. Spurs have conceded more goals in the last 10 minutes than any other team this season.

Wolves is an example, according to Nuno (who played as a goalkeeper under Mourinho at Porto) of attitude when it comes to reacting in adverse situations. “It is not only a question of physical form, but also of faith, of the spirit of the players,” said the coach of the Molineux Stadium team.