The Wax Museum repairs its mistake and Zamora already wears Espanyol

The statue of Ricardo Zamora already looks complete and adequate in the Barcelona Wax Museum. The entity has repaired the mistake it made when it opened its new exhibition and that generated a wide controversy on social networks for the offense against Espanyol, since El Divino was dressed in a shirt with the Barça crest, when the club of Los The legendary goalkeeper's love affair was always Espanyol, where he played 15 more seasons than he was as a coach.

The parakeet club intervened at the time to reveal a mistake that distorted history even more and published an extensive report on Twitter about the figure of what was the first icon of Spanish football. The Wax Museum undertook, as was logical, to dress Zamora with the Espanyol shirt, a circumstance that has already occurred and that new visitors have been able to verify.

Espanyol Shield / Flag

Ricardo Zamora even published a letter in his day in which he regretted his departure to Barcelona, ​​a club in which he played three seasons before returning to Espanyol in a prolific second stage. “While those who claim that bastard and anti-sporting interests (sic.) Have brought me back to the Club from which I should never have left, since I have received such expressions of affection since my re-entry, that today I suffer painful longing for the time that I was not in him, and if such lie, how can those who suppose me capable of unworthy flirtations with FC Barcelona not do it? “, he relates in the letter.

Barcelona Shield / Flag

The protests and the outrage of Espanyol have resulted. This same week the parrots saw how an entity such as the National Assembly of Catalonia used a solidarity campaign of the club to attack the Catalan employers, which again has aroused quite a lot of indignation among the blue and white fans.