Thus ends our live broadcast of the match. We say goodbye with a warm greeting until next time. Thanks for joining us!
The referee's whistle decrees the end of this period.
Stephen Eustáquio (Paços Ferreira) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.
Foul by Licá (Farense) to Brito Gonzaga.
Farense attacks from the right wing: Fabio Nunes puts the ball in.
The referee decides to admonish Fernando Fonseca (Paços Ferreira).
The referee whistles a violation of Fernando Fonseca (Paços Ferreira) to Fabio Nunes.
The referee whistles a violation of Ze Uilton (Paços Ferreira) to Oudrhiri.
Throw-in by Reabciuk (Paços Ferreira), who puts the ball into play.
The referee shows the yellow card to Douglas Tanque.
Fabricio Isidoro wins a free kick from Douglas Tanque (Paços Ferreira). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Alex Pinto (Farense) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Throw-in by Alex Pinto (Farense).
Ball to the area of Oudrhiri (Farense) from the right.
Oudrhiri (Farense) takes a corner from the left.
Center to the area: Gauld (Farense) is the one who puts the ball from the left.
The referee decides to admonish de Brito Gonzaga (Paços Ferreira).
Lack! de Brito Gonzaga (Paços Ferreira) has committed a foul on Licá.
Throw-in by Fernando Fonseca (Paços Ferreira), who puts the ball into play.
Ball to the area of Fabio Nunes (Farense) from the right.
The referee whistles a violation by Duarte Castanheira (Paços Ferreira) to Fabio Nunes.
Cross to the Reabciuk area (Paços Ferreira).
Yellow card for Oudrhiri (Farense).
Foul by Oudrhiri (Farense) to Stephen Eustáquio.
Throw-in by Reabciuk (Paços Ferreira).
The ball goes out and Alex Pinto (Farense) takes the throw.
Paços Ferreira's bench moves with the replacement of Joao Pedro by Bruno Costa.
Game underway with a goal kick from Jordi (Paços Ferreira).
Above! Claudio Falcao's (Farense) header does not find its destination. Finish above the left square of the goal.
Farense tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Gauld centers from the left wing.
Gauld (Farense) throws a closed corner from the right.
Gauld (Farense) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Farense tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Madi Queta centers from the left wing.
Farense attacks from the right wing: Gauld puts the ball in.
Hugo Marques (Farense) starts the play with a goal kick.
Diaby (Paços Ferreira) shoots high with his left foot, but the ball flies high on the left side.
Fernando Fonseca (Paços Ferreira) tried to shoot at goal, but failed to get the ball between the three sticks.
Reabciuk (Paços Ferreira) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.
Stojiljkovic (Farense) takes a shot with his left foot, but the ball does not end between the three sticks.
The referee shows the yellow card to Diaby.
Fabio Nunes wins a free kick from Diaby (Paços Ferreira). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Throw-in by Reabciuk (Paços Ferreira), who puts the ball into play.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Bruno Costa (Paços Ferreira) to Oudrhiri.
Center to the area: Gauld (Farense) is the one who puts the ball from the left.
Gauld (Farense) throws a closed corner from the right.
No gunpowder! The ball is lost beyond the goal after Stojiljkovic (Farense) manages to head it.
Farense attacks from the right wing: Gauld puts the ball in.
Gauld (Farense) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.
Licá wins a free kick from Marcelo (Paços Ferreira). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Throw-in by Reabciuk (Paços Ferreira), who puts the ball into play.
The referee gives an infraction by Ze Uilton (Paços Ferreira) to Alex Pinto.
Throw-in by Alex Pinto (Farense).
There is a substitution: Duarte Castanheira replaces Hélder (Paços Ferreira).
Paços Ferreira's bench moves with the replacement of Ze Uilton by Singh.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Madi Queta (Farense) to Reabciuk.
Goool! Gauld's high, focused shot manages to get on the electronic. Write down the (Farense).
Good opportunity for Farense, who thanks to Gauld's left-handed shot creates danger in the opposite area.
Change in Farense: Madi Queta leaves and Mansilla enters his place.
Singh (Paços Ferreira) is whistled offside.
The referee blows his whistle: Foul by Gauld (Farense) on Singh.
Ball to the area of Mansilla (Farense) from the right.
The ball goes out and Fabio Nunes (Farense) takes the throw.
Lack! Bura (Farense) has committed a foul on Douglas Tanque.
Throw-in by Fabio Nunes (Farense), who puts the ball into play.
Throw-in by Fernando Fonseca (Paços Ferreira).
Change in Paços Ferreira: Diaby leaves and Luiz Carlos enters.
Yellow card for Gauld (Farense).
The ball goes out and Claudio Falcao (Farense) takes the throw.
Paços Ferreira attacks from the right wing: Reabciuk puts the ball in.
Center to the Oudrhiri area (Farense).
Ball to the area of Oudrhiri (Farense) from the right.
Stephen Eustáquio (Paços Ferreira) has received a yellow card.
Fabricio Isidoro wins a free kick from Stephen Eustáquio (Paços Ferreira). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
The ball goes out and Reabciuk (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.
The ball goes out and Fabio Nunes (Farense) takes the throw.
Singh (Paços Ferreira) has a chance to score, but his left foot shot goes wide.
Licá (Farense) is offside and watch the linesman raise his flag.
Cross: Alex Pinto (Farense) is the one who hits the ball from the left.
Singh (Paços Ferreira) tried to shoot at goal, but failed to get the ball between the three posts.
Cross into the area by Bruno Costa (Paços Ferreira).
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Alex Pinto (Farense) to Singh.
The ball goes out and Reabciuk (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.
Foul by Stojiljkovic (Farense) to Brito Gonzaga.
Goal! Douglas Tanque (Paços Ferreira) has scored !!!
Good! Douglas Tanque (Paços Ferreira) drills a very good shot.
Good shot by Douglas Tanque (Paços Ferreira) between the three sticks!
Good shot by Douglas Tanque (Paços Ferreira) between the three sticks!
Claudio Falcao (Farense) commits a foul on Hélder.
Paços Ferreira tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Hélder centers from the left wing.
Throw-in by Alex Pinto (Farense), who puts the ball into play.
Hugo Marques (Farense) starts the play with a goal kick.
Bruno Costa (Paços Ferreira) shoots with his right leg at a direct ball at goal, but the shot has gone wide.
Claudio Falcao (Farense) has been shown a yellow card.
The referee takes a direct free kick for a foul by Claudio Falcao (Farense) to Douglas Tanque.
Luiz Carlos (Paços Ferreira) is whistled offside.
Bruno Costa (Paços Ferreira) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
The referee stops the game after observing that Fabricio Isidoro (Farense) touched the ball with his hand.
There is a substitution: Licá replaces Aouacheria (Farense).
Change in Farense: Stojiljkovic leaves and Patrick enters.
Patrick (Farense) commits a foul on Marcelo.
Bruno Costa wins a free kick from Aouacheria (Farense). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
The referee blows his whistle: Foul by Patrick (Farense) on Reabciuk.
The referee blows his whistle: Foul by Brito Gonzaga (Paços Ferreira) on Hugo Marques.
Crossing into the box: Bruno Costa (Paços Ferreira) takes the ball from the left.
Bruno Costa (Paços Ferreira) kicks a corner from the right.
Game underway with a kick from Hugo Marques (Farense).
Throw-in by Reabciuk (Paços Ferreira).
The ball goes out and Reabciuk (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.
The referee signals the start of this period.
The referee signals the end of this period.
Lack! Douglas Tanque (Paços Ferreira) has committed a foul on Bura.
Jordi's (Paços Ferreira) goal kick that puts the ball back into motion.
Too tall. Claudio Falcao's header (Farense) pointing to the right of the goal but the ball goes over the crossbar.
Center to the Oudrhiri area (Farense).
Center to the Oudrhiri area (Farense).
The referee decides to admonish Marcelo (Paços Ferreira).
Marcelo (Paços Ferreira) fouls Gauld. The ball will be put into play with a stopped ball.
Lack! Singh (Paços Ferreira) has committed a foul on Fabricio Isidoro.
Outside! Shot with the right leg of Singh (Paços Ferreira), who sees how the ball goes away from the three sticks.
Throw-in by Reabciuk (Paços Ferreira).
Foul by Mansilla (Farense) to Fernando Fonseca.
The referee whistles an infraction by Hélder (Paços Ferreira) to Oudrhiri.
Jordi (Paços Ferreira) starts the play with a goal kick.
Throw-in by Alex Pinto (Farense).
Ball to the area of Mansilla (Farense) from the right.
Alex Pinto (Farense) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Alex Pinto (Farense) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Throw-in by Alex Pinto (Farense).
Farense tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Alex Pinto centers from the left wing.
Lack! Fernando Fonseca (Paços Ferreira) has committed a foul on Patrick.
Hugo Marques (Farense) starts the play with a goal kick.
Singh tries to get a high cross with his right leg, but the ball flies high and away from the right post.
Fernando Fonseca (Paços Ferreira) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Fabricio Isidoro (Farense) commits a foul on Douglas Tanque.
Lack! Bruno Costa (Paços Ferreira) has committed a foul on Bura.
The ball goes out and Reabciuk (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.
Hugo Marques (Farense) starts the play with a goal kick.
Outside! Shot with the right leg of Stephen Eustáquio (Paços Ferreira), who sees how the ball goes away from the three posts.
Paços Ferreira tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Marcelo centers from the left wing.
Fabricio Isidoro (Farense) commits a foul on Singh.
Jordi's (Paços Ferreira) goal kick that puts the ball back into motion.
Deflected header from Patrick (Farense). The ball is lost on the right side.
Aouacheria (Farense) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Alex Pinto (Farense) takes the throw.
Hugo Marques (Farense) starts the play with a goal kick.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Claudio Falcao (Farense) to Luiz Carlos.
The referee blows his whistle: Foul by Brito Gonzaga (Paços Ferreira) on Hugo Marques.
Stephen Eustáquio shoots a low ball that is aimed at the goal and that the goalkeeper easily stops.
Bruno Costa (Paços Ferreira) shoots from the right corner.
Douglas Tanque wins a free kick from Bura (Farense). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Jordi's (Paços Ferreira) goal kick that puts the ball back into motion.
The ball goes out and Alex Pinto (Farense) takes the throw.
Jordi's (Paços Ferreira) goal kick that puts the ball back into motion.
Throw-in by Alex Pinto (Farense), who puts the ball into play.
Foul by Bruno Costa (Paços Ferreira) to Fabricio Isidoro.
Jordi's (Paços Ferreira) goal kick that puts the ball back into motion.
Hugo Marques (Farense) starts the play with a goal kick.
Cross to the Reabciuk area (Paços Ferreira).
The referee blows his whistle: Foul by Luiz Carlos (Paços Ferreira) on Mansilla.
Marcelo (Paços Ferreira) shoots at goal with his right foot, but the ball does not take the desired direction and goes astray.
Cross: Stephen Eustáquio (Paços Ferreira) is the one who hits the ball from the left.
Throw-in by Fernando Fonseca (Paços Ferreira).
Farense's bench moves with the replacement of Bura by Eduardo Mancha.
Hélder (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.
The ball goes out and Fernando Fonseca (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.
Douglas Tanque (Paços Ferreira) is offside and watches the linesman raise his pennant.
Aouacheria (Farense) commits a foul on Reabciuk.
Ball to the area of Fernando Fonseca (Paços Ferreira).
The ball goes out and Fernando Fonseca (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.
The ball goes out and Fabio Nunes (Farense) takes the throw.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Alex Pinto (Farense) to Douglas Tanque.
Center to the Oudrhiri area (Farense).
Oudrhiri (Farense) takes a corner from the left.
Ball to the area of Oudrhiri (Farense) from the right.
Center to the area: Gauld (Farense) is the one who puts the ball from the left.
Gauld (Farense) throws a closed corner from the right.
Aouacheria (Farense) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Throw-in by Fabio Nunes (Farense).
Fabio Nunes (Farense) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.
Throw-in by Fabio Nunes (Farense), who puts the ball into play.
Center to the Oudrhiri area (Farense).
Lack! Marcelo (Paços Ferreira) has fouled Patrick.
Fabio Nunes (Farense) takes the throw.
Throw-in by Alex Pinto (Farense).
Fernando Fonseca (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.
The ball goes out and Reabciuk (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.
Stephen Eustáquio wins a free kick from Fabricio Isidoro (Farense). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Fabio Nunes (Farense) takes the throw.
Lack! Aouacheria (Farense) has fouled Reabciuk.
Douglas Tanque (Paços Ferreira) has a chance to score, but his left foot shot goes wide.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Douglas Tanque (Paços Ferreira) to Patrick.
Paços Ferreira attacks from the right wing: Reabciuk puts the ball in.
Ball to the area of Bruno Costa (Paços Ferreira).
Ball to the area of Bruno Costa (Paços Ferreira).
Bruno Costa (Paços Ferreira) kicks a corner from the right.
Luiz Carlos shoots a low ball that is aimed at the goal and that the goalkeeper easily stops.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Reabciuk (Paços Ferreira) to Aouacheria.
Throw-in by Fernando Fonseca (Paços Ferreira).
Foul by Aouacheria (Farense) to Reabciuk.
Hélder (Paços Ferreira) commits a foul on Fabio Nunes.
Reabciuk (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.
Throw-in by Fabio Nunes (Farense).
Paços Ferreira tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Fernando Fonseca centers from the left wing.
The ball goes out and Fernando Fonseca (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.
Hélder (Paços Ferreira) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
The referee signals the beginning of this period.