Ibrahimovic: “I am Santa Claus, I am the one who brings gifts to my 27 children”

Zlatan Ibrahimovic granted an interview to ‘SportWeek’ in which he spoke of himself. “I am egocentric, if I had not put myself in front of everything I would not be here. There is only one Ibra, no? Me. But in my life, outside of camp, now my children are before me. Maximilian and Vincent they come first, of course. And my bank account, it's not a joke ”.

About gifts from ChristmasHe stated that “for me I never ask for anything. I am Santa Claus, I am the one who brings gifts to my 27 children: two are in Sweden and the other 25 in Milanello. This year we have many congratulations, for what we have done and for what we are doing. We have lost very few games. I don't know if it's thanks to me, but I did something. When I arrived last January, Milan were twelfth. And they had already written the end, they had already judged before seeing the results. Instead we reached the top, we are proving to be part of the top and now we have to continue like this. ”

He also commented that “I have played in many clubs and I have respect for all of them. Great memories. But Milan is the club where I feel at home. I will Milanello every morning and I'm in no rush to get home, because I'm home. I felt that way from the first time I came to Milan, it was in 2010. With Galliani and Berlusconi, with the team, with everyone who worked there, there was another feeling, another atmosphere. They made you feel at home. “

My children are before me. Maximilian and Vincent they come first, of course. And my bank account, no kidding

And he added that “the Milan is the best for me. In Milan I have many friends, it will not be strange to live there even if I have stopped playing: in these ten years it has grown a lot, it is very international, I like it ”.

About his goals
s, indicated that “I have done many, too many. The most important thing is to have made a difference on the field. To many it seems impossible that I, with almost two meters in height, is capable of doing what I do. And I didn't do it just once, I have done it many times. When I was little I had in mind to be as complete as possible, I did not want to be good only at dribbling or shooting or with the head. I wanted to be the strongest in everything, that's my magic. When I do something, I have to achieve it. When I'm on the court I'm 200 percent focused and I expect the same from all my teammates. “