Leganés makes a 'virtual visit' to patients with Severo Ochoa

Leganés has not been able to carry out this year, as a result of the coronavirus health crisis, its traditional Christmas visit to the Severo Ochoa hospital although it has also tried to be, virtually, close to the patients who are there.

To do this, the entity has recorded a video broadcast in the rooms of the health center to send encouragement and hope. The president Victoria Pavón, the coach José Luis Martí and the players Iván Cuéllar, Rubén Pérez, Rodrigo Tarín, Javier Eraso and Unai Bustinza participated in it.

Each one of them pronounces a sentence that ends up unified in the following message: “Although this year we cannot go to the hospital, we are very aware of you. We want to send you our love, all our strength and all our support. We want you to recover soon. We know that you are going to follow the directions of the toilets who take so much care of you and that you are going to get in shape as soon as possible. We need you. “

“Patience, above all patience. You are doing very well. In addition to this year 2020 there is little left and everything bad will end. 2021 will be your year, you will see. You will be able to reunite with your family and your friends and we will surely see you in Butarque. From CD Leganés we have wanted to make this video to give you great strength and tell you that everything is going to be fine. See you in Butarque, Merry Christmas “, they say.