Marc López will play in doubles with Carreño at the Australian Open

Marc López, one of the most prominent Spanish doubles players on the circuit, already has a date and a partner to get back on the slopes after almost a year without competing (he has not done so since the Acapulco tournament last February).

Marc López will play doubles again in the first big event on the 2021 calendar: the Australian Open (February 8-21) and he will do so alongside another Spaniard, the Asturian Pablo Carreño.

In this way López, Olympic gold medalist in Rio 2016 with Rafa Nadal, will continue to seek to shine in a modality in which he has achieved a total of 14 titles forming a couple with Rafa Nadal, David Marrero, Marcel Granollers and Feliciano López, and in which he has become number 3 in the world.