Arsène Wenger gives lessons to Arteta on how to treat Özil

Mikel Arteta's Arsenal lives its lowest hours. Sunk in 15th place in the Premier League, he accumulates four games without winning in the domestic competition and this afternoon he receives Burnley, the latter in relegation places. While its star, Mesut Özil, lives condemned to the bench, since Arteta did not enroll him in either the Premier or the Europa League. This is not an obstacle for the German midfielder of Turkish origin keep charging 350,000 pounds (380,000 euros) a week … for not playing.

Arsène Wenger, the technician who signed Ozil for Arsenal for 42 million pounds (45.8 million euros), from Real Madrid, he allows himself the luxury of giving lessons to Arteta on how to get the most out of Özil, whom he defines as “an artist”, according to the Daily Mail. Although Wenger's advice might come late, as Özil has several offers to go out in the winter market, one of them quite solid from Turkey of the Fenerbahçe.

Wenger recognizes that Özil is not easy to handle, but gives the keys to get the best out of him: “support the artist Mesul Özil”. Wenger has told Arteta how he can work with Özil to keep him active pending his re-entry on the team's roster in February. It is clear that Arsenal are lacking in creativity. So far in the championship, the team gunner he has scored 10 goals, only more than West Brom, Burnley and Sheffield United.

Making him have fun is, Wenger told Arteta, the key to improving his performance: “He wasn't difficult to handle. He was a guy who had a special quality. as a creative gamer and needed to have fun. He is an artist and these guys are a little more sensitive. They need support and an environment that encourages them to do their best. “

A team around you

The French coach insists that Özil is a special player who must also be treated in a special way: “You have a more creative player in the team who can do less defensive work, but you build a team around them that can make up for these shortcomings. That's what you have to think about. “

Keeping you active until February is the key. Özil, whose deal with Arsenal expires in the summer, is eager to stay and fight for his place in the team in the second half of the season, according to Daily Mail, but as it points The Daily Express, negative reports could force you to leave in this winter market. The player, 32, has piqued the interest of Turkish Fenerbahçe, and DC United, LA Galaxy and Inter Miami, in MLS.