A prosecutor accuses Infantino of irregular use of a private jet

Gianni Infantino, President of FIFA, has harshly criticized what it considers “false, malicious and defamatory” accusations by a Swiss prosecutor that this Thursday he requested the opening of a criminal investigation against him for the alleged irregular use of a private jet.

“FIFA and its president are in shock by the statement issued today by the 'special prosecutor' Stefan Keller. His statement is malicious and defamatory in nature and shows his extreme bias, “says a statement from the governing body of world football in which he assures that its president has not been informed of these new “false accusations”, so it cannot parse them.

According to several Swiss media, Keller examined whether there were indications of crime in the use of a private jet by Infantino to travel from Suriname to Switzerland and now it will be the General Prosecutor's Office of the Swiss country that decides whether or not to open an investigation in this regard.

FIFA adds that, after several months of investigations “and nothing problematic has been established” against Infantino for his meetings with Michael Lauber, former federal attorney general, “Today there are new accusations against him directed by a prosecutor whose method consists of accusing and defameing by publishing press releases without justification”, which reject in the “strongest possible” both FIFA itself and its president.

Finally they anticipate that they will take “all legal measures and resources necessary to end these baseless and malicious accusations. “