Pellicer, about Juande: “He wants to learn more, he has no ceiling”

Will you do rotations again? “Yesterday we did a recovery session for which they played more minutes. Let's see how the players are, but both those who participated and those who were in the call seem to be fine. Let's see how they recover. We will have to make several changes because, with this workload, it is important that everyone participates and maintains that high pace of play that we are doing ”.

How are the injured? “Matos trained yesterday. The muscular injuries to see how they evolve. Joaquín, Ismael or Hicham, they will not be 100% because they have yet to start with group work and we will see next week to see when we can have them available ”.

Coat of Arms / Flag Málaga

Mirandés analysis. “It is a completely new team. Also last year he made many changes and had a spectacular season. This year too. Many changes, coach too. They have won two away games and lost only against Espanyol. It comes from facing two wolves in the category like Mallorca and Espanyol who are our next two rivals. Very dynamic in attack, which started very well, is under construction and is very hungry, illusion, he submitted Mallorca. You have to keep him away from the goal because they are dynamic and deep. It is a rival that is going to demand another record from us, you have to be very strong defensively and give continuity to the offense ”.

Juande. “He is in a growth phase, he won the first team card and it costs a lot to take steps forward and little to take them backwards. I have seen him grow, work from the shadows. When you see a humble player who knows how to listen and wants to learn more, he has no roof, but you have to go with your feet on the ground. Reaching the elite is difficult but it is more difficult to stay. We want him to improve and we are convinced that he will go further. You have to leave him alone, take steps and not put pressure on him. When the head is kept clean, all the better. The praise should serve to work more. The other day Benítez competed at a very high level and is adding too. For that we are in the coaching staff ”.

Team morale, in style. “The illusion is maintained with work. We must have a high rhythm for 90 minutes. And that is achieved from work, we have had some downturn in the game but the rival has not taken advantage of it, like a ball to the post, but that luck must be sought. You have to realize why that happens, what is the way forward, knowing that we are very supportive and that we push. You have to face the game like beasts, it is the way. Then, individually, each player feels more comfortable ”.

Ramon Enriquez. “From a very young age there have been many expectations with him and in the midfield position he is complicated. To be complete, he is improving in all registers, defensively, in giving continuity to the pass. Etá gaining weight, a lot of strength and understanding with the ball and without the ball. We are happy with their performance, also with that of the new ones that many have come without doing preseason. And the more players take that level, the more benefit there will be for the team and the more difficult it will be for us. We come from demanding games, we have to change. That evolution has to continue and he is doing it. Midfielders are the thermometer of the team.

Goalkeeper rotation between Juan Soriano and Dani Barrio. “The performance they are giving is being given by both of them. I want them both to understand that it is a match crusher, tomorrow we will see, but I am delighted with both of them. The important thing is to compete. I am not going to say who is going to play.”

Orlando Sá. “It is to play. He has the illusion of a child, you have to go little by little. They have subsided those discomforts, he has assimilated the light training well and it will last us on the long road ahead. He transmits enthusiasm to me, hopefully soon he can be 100%, but it requires a process, he is doing very hard work, he has a good disposition ”-