Eddy Silvestre will have to go to court for spreading a sex video

Albacete midfielder Eddy Silvestre will be tried for broadcasting a sex video. The San Sebastián Criminal Court has scheduled for October 14 the trial in which their colleagues in Eibar, at that time, Antonio Luna and Sergi Enrich will have to appear for their alleged involvement in the dissemination of a sex video in against the will of the woman who appeared in the images.

The Prosecutor's Office and the private prosecution claim 5 years in prison for Sergi Enrich and Antonio Luna, while for Eddy Silvestre a request for a two-year sentence is requested by the Public Ministry. The events date back to May 2016 when the three footballers were active for Eibar.

The accusations distinguish in this case two alleged criminal conduct: one of them consists in the recording of the images without the consent of the victim and another in their dissemination until the video becomes viral. The defendants Sergi Enrich and Antonio Luna are charged with both alleged crimes, while Eddy Silvestre only for the second.