Madrid falls on Facebook

Real Madrid has lost weight on Facebook. The Twitter account Deportes y Finanzas has published the ranking of the five clubs with the most interactions on Facebook in September. The team coached by Zinedine Zidane does not appear on this list.

Real Madrid Shield / Flag

Whites have lost presence and interactions in the social network of Mark Zuckerberg with the departure of Bale and James heading to the Premier League. To this must be added the pull that those of Chamartin since Cristiano went to Juventus.

Interactions on Facebook in September

Club Interactions
Barcelona 23,100,000
Liverpool 22,800,000
Arsenal 18,000,000
Bayern 12,200,000
Juventus 11,300,000

The table is led by Barcelona (23,100,000) followed by Liverpool (22,800,000) and Arsenal (18,000,000). Outside the podium they stay Bayern (12,200,000) and Juventus (11,300,000). The Barça hit in the Champions League has not gone unnoticed on social networks and has raised them to be the club with the most interactions in Facebook.