After several days of uncertainty, Leo Messi has confirmed this Friday in an interview with ‘Goal’ that it will continue in the Barça this season and will fulfill his contract until 2021, after he has wanted avoid a trial with the Barça club after the president's position Bartomeu not to negotiate his departure unless he had paid the 700 million of your termination clause.
“I'm going to continue at the club because the president told me that the only way to leave was to pay the 700 million clause, that this is impossible, and then there was another way, which was to go to court. I would never go to trial against Barça because it is the club that I love, that gave me everything since I arrived, it is the club of my life, I have made my life here, Barça gave me everything and I gave them everything, it never crossed my mind to take Barça to trial “, he said Messi, who regretted that some have doubted his Barcelona following the burofax he sent announcing his departure.
“It has hurt me a lot that things are published against me and above all, that false things are published. Or that they came to think that I could go to trial against Barça to benefit myself. I would never do such a thing. I repeat, I wanted to go and it was my right, because the contract said that I could be released. And it's not 'I'm leaving and that's it'. I was leaving and it cost me a lot. I wanted to go because I thought about living my last years of football happily. The latter did not find happiness within the club, “he explained. Messi to justify his decision to want to leave Barça.