The never ending story. With a contract until 2022 and not counting for Zidane, with the most complicated situation since he signed for Madrid for 101 million, Bale seems to take it with a lot of humor. First was the banner (“Wales. Golf. Real Madrid. In this order”). Then, the gestures from the stands in the last games of last season, in which he pretended to see them with binoculars or sleep with the mask. The latest installment is a nifty video, the last of the advertising campaign of BT, the English telephone company of which he is the image, in which the footballer himself jokes about his love of golf far above that of football. The Wales Online website reported them.
In the spot, which you can see on Bale's own Twitter account, the imaginary story is told that the high bodies that govern soccer approve a new revolutionary norm: unlimited changes in soccer matches. Scenes of real commotion appear with many protagonists of the Premier League. Jamie Vardy of Leicester City and Marcus Rashford of Manchester United give their opinion on the idea. In general, everyone seems to be bothered by the new rule, because it is logical that their participation is greatly reduced. Especially for people like them, indisputable headlines …
Then comes Bale's turn, who has agreed to joke about his situation for the campaign. The Madridista appears dressed as a golfer, practicing his favorite sport on a green. Alexander-Arnorld contacts him on his mobile and says: “At last you will have the opportunity to play a game ”. Bale looks at the phone in disbelief, seems to get angry and throws the phone to the ground, probably disgusted that this rule will take time to improve his swing.