Ortolá, ambitious: “We have to improve on last season”

The birthday boy Adrián Ortolá (this Thursday he celebrates 27 years) was chosen to speak after Tenerife's morning training session. “We have to stay with our version of the last leg of the League, where we had options for everything”Assured the blue and white goalkeeper. “I am happy with last season, but we have to try to improve it this year. We show what we are capable of, we will try to continue in the same line”, Stated

The Alicante-born argument went further: “we have to start from a base of work and humility as we did in the second round. With that and hope we can do many things”Said the goalkeeper who participated in 39 official matches last season, being one of the pillars of the project.

After a mini-vacation in your land, the meta returned with the batteries charged in this beginning of work which will continue with a concentration at Pinatar Arena from next Monday. “It will be good for us to make more groups and pineapple with the people who have come new and those who will arrive. We will have games against important teams and we will have to get our best version”, He opined.

He was also asked about his first season on the Island. “I am very grateful to the people of Tenerife. Every day I receive messages of support and for me it is an honor ”, said Ortolá, who stressed that even though they cannot go to the stadium“ we feel them close and they are of great help. I wish that this whole topic ends now and that we can feel more closely, they gave us encouragement at home and abroad”.

On the other hand, Tenerife announced that goalkeeper Ignacio Otaño, who last year was a starter with B and a regular in training with professionals, will play on loan in Second B defending the sticks of Tudelano. With the first team he reached seven calls.