The 'Chespanyol'

In Massanassa, eight kilometers from the capital of Turia, was born and grew Vicente Moreno, tapping on the Mestre Giner road, then entering La Falla del Poble, Catarroja and the Levante quarries and Valencia, the latter where he played six seasons. The current coach, who decades later would head the Valencian Under-18 team, is the last to land in an Espanyol with a Valencian accent. The 'Chespanyol'.

Spanish Shield / Flag

Commanding of the ship is Francisco Joaquín Pérez Rufete, consolidated in early June as sports director, beyond the first team or professional football. It is Chen Yansheng's strong figure in the technical area. The Alicante, ex of Valencia so much about the grass as in the manager position Sports general, he has been involved in the last weeks of people of his confidence, as is usual in any position of responsibility. Of your trust, and of your land.

Shield / Flag Valencia

To meager 15 kilometers from his native Benejúzar, on the other side of the Sierra de Callosa del Segura, is Benferri, where Luis Vicente Mateo, the new coordinator of grassroots football parakeet, was not only born and raised (his father, with the same name, has been the mayor for more than two decades), but was the captain of the local team, whom he trained in First Regional when Rufete recruited him, in 2013, for the Valencia academy, of which he would become general manager.

With another accent very different from Valencian, specifically Galician, also belongs to the signings of Rufete a Domingo Catoira who has been practicing for weeks as technical secretary and that coincided with the current sports director, He too, in Valencia, in whose organization chart he worked in two stages: from 2010 to 2014 and between 2017 and January of the same year.

Alberto Iranzo & nbsp; (DIARIO AS) '); return false; “class =” item-multimedia “>

Luis Vicente Mateo, between the former president of Valencia Lay Hoon and the historic ché player Miguel Tendillo.

He only of the signings of these last two months that a priori had not established linkage some with him Valencia is Hugo Blanco, who has inaugurated an identity department, not on how the club should be but on the methodology of the teams and footballers, of which he is the director. Until last June, he had been responsible for LaLiga Sports Projects.

For him Female A, which is also under the power of Rufete, Maya Yamamoto, who had been a member of Valencia, recently signed, but this link is already more anecdotal. For all the rest, the success of all those responsible with a ché accent will be from now on the success of Espanyol. Let the ball roll.