“It is a very safe city, very safe”

When analyzing what Joaquín Caparrós has found in Armenia, in soccer matters, one must consider the peculiarities of the country. The level is another given the diaspora of players that exists. “Logically, it is different from what the European leagues are. ANDl 90% or 95% of the boys are playing in foreign leagues, in Germany, Russia, Sweden … During the confinement we have had to work with the subject of videos, have conversations with the President. Especially with videos to see footballers individually, watching the last matches of the team. The month and peak that we have been there we have had personal contact with some. With those who were outside, there have been video conferences, ”explains the Andalusian coach.


With logical limitations, he hopes that his selection will make war, but before it is necessary to assimilate concepts, among other things, a necessary ambition and demand. “We are going to transmit our illusion. It is clear that we are going to try to transmit our illusion, our experience. We know it is complicated because there is not much time for work, ”says Caparrós, who has long been focusing on the task of collecting data. “We are going to try to get the team right with the guys who have to come. For that we have the maximum information to decide. But what gives you real information is the competition, “he explains.

People are very friendly, with a great predisposition to listen to us when we transmit our experience to them. I speak of the football sector

Regardless of how things are going for him in his new experience – he will move there shortly – it is normal to ask him about what life is like in Armenia beyond his football projection. “It is a very European city (Erevan), very happy, people live a lot on the street. It is a very safe city, very safe, and the people are very friendly, with a great predisposition to listen to us when we transmit our experience to them. I'm talking about the football sector ”, he portrays.

The competition does not stop

Of course, coronarvirus has mediated life on all fronts, but the social facet continues to flow in a different situation than the one for these payments. “They are in a state of alarm, but as here -in Spain- we had so much trouble with the phases …There the restaurants are open, the mask is used. What they have done the most is border control. We make Seville-Barcelona-Belarus-Erevan. There are controls almost every week to the people of the Federation ”, clarifies the coach of Armenia.

What they have done the most is border control. We make Seville-Barcelona-Belarus-Erevan. There are controls almost every week to the people of the Federation

A country where efforts have been made to ensure that football is not diminished by the blows of the damn virus. “It has worked well, they have finished their competitions at the football level. SThe competition stopped, but it resumed, the Cup final was played and the League championship ended. The teams are already doing the preseason and start on the 12th”, Advances a full Caparrós. It is in its sauce once again the Seville.