Egas: “Jordi Cruyff's departure from Ecuador is the anticipated end of a dream project”

The president of the Ecuadorian Football Federation (FEF), Francisco Egas, affirmed this Thursday that the separation of the Spanish-Dutch technician Jordi Cruyff sad because it is a early end of a project you had dreamed of and about whom I had great faith.

“The decoupling of coaching staff commanded by Jordi Cruyff and Antonio Cordón sadden because it is an anticipated end of a project that we had dreamed of, that we had a lot of faith, but we must continue with the established plan with the presence of two new professionals “, Egas said at his first press conference after the resignation of both.

Egas indicated that the coronavirus pandemic that has expanded in Ecuador since March All changed, prevented undertaking the work on the court, but that is not a justification for the Unilateral resignation of Cordón and Cruyff. He added that more than sadness che used “outrage” by way they came out because the FEF had strongly committed to the project, protect them because they were the most suitable, protecting their capacities, their ideonity to develop the project.

I expected something more from themWe somehow expected more. Undoubtedly, Cordón's departure hastened Cruyff's, because it was Cord of whom we most seek to know his professional background, which we investigated the most to undertake the project that began with Cordón, “he said. He said that Cordón and Cruyff “lost motivation, faith, trust in us and we lost trust in them for what they did. “

“The project must last over time, it must look for the two professionals, he sports director and coach, but we do not have contact with anyone yet, we will have to undertake it quickly, in the next dayYes, “he said.” I want to work with those who want to work, I'm sure than within the Directory (where he has the majority against) there will be who also want to work, We are mature people who can put aside differences and work quickly, “he added.

Egas specified that the FEF did not leave debts with Cruyff and that the technician has no pending values ​​for the entity, that the project will continueBecause it does not depend on people, it cannot end or start with the departure of two people.

The manager announced that he will seek agree with the Board members, asking them to achieve obviate current conflicts, to enter to analyze the hiring the next coach, they will most likely seek to meet next week. He predicted that he hopes to reach harmony with the six members of the Board soon because he is confident that there are people in the group who are thinking like him.