Official: Ziganda will continue at Real Oviedo next season

He Real oviedo confirmed the continuity of José Ángel Ziganda on the bench a few hours after the end of the league, a continuity already sealed in his 14-game contract, conditional on permanence and endorsed by “the work of Navarre, his desire to continue and good harmony between the parties.”

The Carbayón team announced as soon as they landed in Asturias from Elche that Navarro will continue to be the first team coach for another season, a decision that comes after 14 games in which Ziganda has confirmed himself as one of the best technicians of the second round.

The former player closes the year with the team's salvation tied mathematically to a day of the end after a whole year fighting to get away from relegation and with 7 wins, 3 draws and 4 losses As a share of results, one of the best records since the return of soccer in May.

The coach from Carbayón will continue for another year in a club in which he has confessed to feeling at ease and supported by both the entity and the fans despite the moment of urgency in which he arrived, and it is precisely this manifest desire to follow what he has done that it took so little time to make effective the clause signed by both parties to prolong the employment relationship.

The club highlighted “the good tune” between entity and coach, and publicly acknowledged that “he greatly values ​​the work carried out by both Ziganda as for the rest of the technical staff “, which has also been renewed for the next campaign.