Dugarry: “Is Griezmann afraid of a half-autistic child?”

(Griezzman) Are you afraid of what? Are you afraid of a child who is 1.50 and who is half autistic? You can put a cake in Messi's mouth if he has a problem. “. This departure of tone bears the signature of Christophe Dugarry in his last intervention in RMC Sports. The former Barcelona player attacked the Argentine star when asked about the situation his compatriot is experiencing at the moment. In the following publication you can listen to the controversial statements of the former striker.

Dugarry, used to using (too) clear language when expressing his opinion, also charged against the Barça coach: “He is a trainer who is reeling. Setien is very kind, but he does not have the level. He does not know how to make his team play. He is totally overwhelmed by the situation. I am sure that he has nothing against Griezmann, he is simply incompetent “

“He has nothing against Griezmann, he is simply incompetent”

Dugarry, on Setién

The Cantabrian coach acknowledged at a press conference that he would speak to his player, since he understood his frustration. It must be remembered that Griezmann only played the last four minutes of the clash against Atlético (2-2) after having been warming up for almost the entire second half. The situation that was created around the star signing of the Barcelonistas last summer is eroding the figure of a Quique Setién who had already arrived touched to the clash against the rojiblancos and with doubts about his relationship with the wardrobe. We will see the depth that Dugarry's words have within the Blaugrana organization.