Leaders deficit in Barcelona

Quique Setien's Barcelona has problems finding references and leaders in the dressing room. Apart from the indisputable figure of Leo Messi, both on the field and off the pitch, and the contribution of Sergio Busquets and Gerard Piqué as captains, the rest of the players remain in the background when it comes to taking on the role of leadership in the team. Although it is true that players like Ter Stegen, Luis Suárez and Arturo Vidal are assuming a series of commitments that do not correspond to them within the group, the truth is that within Barcelona they have noticed gaps and deficits when it comes to find references.

In fact, An internal study by Barcelona highlights the need to find five types of leaders within the group to lead the team to success and titles. The first is defined as “Social leader”, which is one that “creates a work environment that favors learning and performance”. This role seems that the club has it well covered with the presence of Sergio Busquets.

The second type of leadership is known as “soul leader”, which corresponds, according to the document, “to one who is capable of changing the team's mood”. In this case, the player does not seem so clear and defined, although if there is a footballer who encourages his teammates and encourages them when things go wrong, it is clearly Gerard Piqué.

The third is the “example leader of commitment”, that is to say, “the one that demonstrates to the rest of the team members that what he asks for as a coach is possible”. Obviously here we find the first diffuse area of ​​leadership, since the only ones that could have a certain impact in this regard are Luis Suárez and Arturo Vidal, but more because of the momentum and punch that they imprint in all their actions, than for anything else. .

The fourth is the “strategic leader”, or what is the same, “which is the extension of the coach on the field.” Here we have some dysfunction again, since a priori he presents himself as Sergio Busquets as the person who has assumed this role, but with certain nuances.

And the last leader that the team needs is fully defined and even overexploited. We are talking about the “decisive leader”, that is to say, “the one that through his talent solves the compromised situations of the party”. Obvious here Leo Messi stands out above the rest, the only player capable of unbalancing the game and who takes full responsibility at the most critical moments.

Under this lack of leadership archetypes we can understand the change of Arthur, a totally inconsequential player in the dressing room, by Pjanic, since the Bosnian is expected to assume the role he has assumed in Juventus.

Likewise, the study highlights the importance of the team leader being “positive”, both in his “body language” and in “providing reinforcements and encouragement”, since it reactivates colleagues, who feel more backed by the referring player. Whereas if the leader acts with “low body language”, that is, “with moans, bowing his head or with negative individual or collective messages”, colleagues often react with a decrease in self-confidence and less support for the leader .