Dull but effective slate

Those of the Reale Arena – Anoeta for the nostalgic ones – were more than three points. A hackneyed crutch that always accompanies transcendental games but that returned to make sense last night and this time with more reason than ever.

It was D-day and H-hour and, if allowed, P points because, if they were brought to Madrid, the Whites were going to become championship leaders. And of all that, the only one who seemed unaware was Zidane. The Frenchman, the man on Earth who knows this wardrobe best, gave the feeling of wanting to outwit the pools over his initial bet and revolutionized the team on the most important day. An unsuitable day for experiments, but Zidane was never going to make it easy and rather ask the Bayer Leverkusen squad.

Maybe he did it because it was the team's first outing away from Valdebebas, or because he still had that cup elimination in February on his retina, but the truth is that, be that as it may, once again ended with victory, which is bill. And now they go …

The French coach returned James to the role of footballer. He caged al Pajarito ’Valverde again on the right just as he did against Valencia and bet on combining Vinicius' madness with Benzema's mettle. He also detached ‘9’ from his best partner in the squad, Eden Hazard, and left al enlightened ’Marco Asensio on the bench.

First of all: a surprise. At rest: a danger. After ninety minutes: a lead

And it is that Zidane sometimes lives as a lifeguard. And very well it does, its showcase does not complain. Yesterday came in the form of a penalty and a sacrificed Vinicius, the next ones are yet to be deciphered. What is clear is that the Frenchman has now put himself first in this race and it will depend on him and his people if the month of July is less hot with a League under his arm.

They now come to depend exclusively on their results. The finals, which already were, are now more final. The goals seem to be worth double and the nerves, even without the pressure of the public, can emerge more easily in the most inexperienced minds. Another new League begins within this tight schedule that will undoubtedly be as entertaining as the previous one.