The Turkish Football Federation prefers to organize the Champions League final of 2021 with the public

According to what AS has learned, the Turkish federation has guaranteed to host the organization of the final of the Champions League in 2021. Therefore, the end of this season, without spectators for COVID19, will not take place at Istanbul Ataturk Olympic Stadium this summer. Those responsible for UEFA have gone to see Istanbul and have been satisfied with the new view of the stadium and the investments for the final.

They have also promised the president of the Turkish Federation, Ozdemir, and the vice-president, Servet Yardimci, a member of the UEFA board of directors, that Turkey will organize the final in 2021. UEFA had chosen St. Petersburg for the 2021 Champions League final on long-term plans before the coronavirus pandemic.. UEFA will make a statement on this matter on the 17th of this month. The final is expected to take place in Lisbon.

Of course, we want to organize a Champions League final that is played with spectators. This is our priority. We can leave the final without fans of 2020 and we can organize the one of 2021 with fans. It is one of the Federation's plans. Our board of directors and all of our professionals continue to work on this issue. I think we will get the best and most acceptable results in the next few days“said Ozdemir, president of the Turkish association.

The Champions League final generates huge income for the countries where it is played. More than 100,000 British fans arrived in Madrid for the final match between Liverpool and Tottenham last year. The fans spent between one thousand and two thousand euros for accommodation in one night, food, transportation, etc. Also, they paid a high amount for the tickets. You got to pay between 7,000 and 8,000 euros just for a ticket. Madrid earned 100 million euros in total.