Martí, to his staff: “Do not lower your arms at any time”

Girona's coaching staff tries to maintain daily contact with its staff. And the positive messages are not lacking in each of the conversations that are held so that the confinement is as bearable as possible. This Friday night, the rojiblanco club wanted to show an extract of the speech that the coach, Pep Lluís Martí, made in the last hours to his players and other members of its coaching staff and has not hesitated to brand it as “positive energy to keep going

In the video call that Martí maintains with his players and assistants, he is sincere and tries to be as empathetic as possible. He does not hide that it is not being easy for him to spend so many days without being able to lead any session at La Vinya, but he thanks all his team and the footballers for the effort they are making. With a “let's go to the trouble. I'll tell you”, Martí wanted to be concise at the time of ask your group for an “effort”: “I imagine that this situation is not pleasant for any of us and I know that it is difficult to deal with. Especially due to the uncertainty, not only in the professional aspect but also in the staff, for you and your families. It is complicated, but we have no other option, as I always tell you, than to adapt to the situation. Is not easy, for me it is not, I will not cheat you. But this that we are experiencing we must try to carry out in the best possible way because it is the only one that will make us go forward. I want to ask you for the effort that you continue to maintain what you are doing. Do not lower your arms at any time and be prepared and aware that when this begins we must all be one hundred percent

Girona Shield / Flag

There is complete confidence in the group and hence there is no doubt that all the members of the Girona group are following the individualized training guidelines set. Caring for food is essential and maintaining the routine, too. Hence, before 10:00 all players must be active. That the state of mind of the group does not decline is vital for Martí and that is that in the Girona entity there are hopes that they will compete again this season because the objective pursued is none other than to return to the First Division.