The emotional letter from Ander, Alberto’s son: “You are my heroes”

Today is March 19. Father's Day. Hence Rayo has shared Ander García's emotional letter. The little one is the son of the red-headed captain Alberto, who accompanies him as he writes and reads a very special letter. It is for its content and its recipients. It goes for them, their new heroes. Those from before used to play soccer, but those from now are bedridden fighting against the coronavirus, or wear a gown and they fight the disease taking care of all of us, or are who help us on a daily basis from delivery trucks, pharmacies, supermarkets, gas stations … Ander sends them a message of hope and gratitude. His and that of a whole society.


My name is Ander and I am 7 years old.

For days everything has changed. Before, I used to go see all my heroes on the soccer field and I loved cheering for my team. Now everything is different. My father has explained to me everything that is happening, what is coronavirus and that there are many malita people in the hospital. They are alone, without anyone being able to kiss or hug them and the only way I have to show my love is to write this letter to them.

From now on you are my true heroes. All of you who are ill and fighting to heal yourself; those who wear white coats; those that help us in pharmacies and supermarkets and those that transport food so that nothing is missing. In other words, all those anonymous people who help our lives go on.

As my dad says, everything will be fine. You keep fighting to heal yourselves, that we from home will help to end everything. From today all of you are my favorites.

A very strong kiss.

The players congratulated their parents

Many families are forced to celebrate days like this away from their loved ones due to quarantine, but that does not prevent memories and congratulatory messages. Several rayistas have shared theirs on the networks. It is the case of Velázquez (“Happy day to all the dads. To thank mine for everything he has done. If I become half the good father of what he is, I think I will be one of the best in the world”), Catena (“I would love to spend this day with you, but we all have to stay home. I am very proud of you for the way you take care of all of us and for the values ​​that you have instilled in my little sister and me”) , Mario Suarez (“For me you are an example to follow, Dad. A pity that we cannot spend this day together, but we will soon celebrate it”) or Nose (“Thank you for training me as a person and teaching me those values, I see myself reflected in you. Always together”).