Notes, books and classroom concentration

Leonor de Bourbon continues with his expedition aboard Juan Sebastián de Elcanothat, on the way to Chile, it offers the necessary formation so that its 46 Guardamarinas exceed this exciting stage, the same as Don Juan Carlos and King Felipe VI received in their youth. The Princess of Asturias and the 46 Guardamarinas who travel alongside her are preparing at the physical and mental level, also attending theoretical classes that nourish their experience.

The daughter of Don Felipe and Mrs. Letizia meets very marked routines and other learning activities that we have discovered now. Among them, a video call with Rafael Codes, author of the book Manila’s galleon. The route that changed the world. This work contains historical stories with fiction dyes, among them, the discovery of the maritime route that joins the American continent with Asia, the causes of the end of the Manila Galeon route or the first global vaccination campaign in history by Isabel Zendal.

“A great satisfaction sharing one more year with the cruise ships of JS Elcano’s instruction The story of Manila Galeon. Discover, among them, the future queen of Spain is also something very special, “said Codes.

The author of the book has published an image of the video call he recently made with the Guardamarinasthat they heard carefully, as can be seen in the image, everything I had to say. In the image, the sister of the Infanta Sofia wears, just like her companions, with a blue suit. At the tables, books and notes are appreciated. Among the subjects that are studying are navigation, astronomy, meteorology, amphibious operations, supports and combat services and maneuver.

The ship’s captain, Luis Carreras-Pressas do Campo, commander of the ship, explained that “during this six-month period the guards will intensify their Marinera, Naval, Military, but also the academic trainingbecause they receive between five and eight hours of class a day, like any university student. Humanistic and social formation is also important. “

The school ship set up to Chile on March 9. Punta Arenas will be the third scale in South America, after Uruguay and Brazil. In his stop in Montevideo we saw the swearing of Flag, a fundamental act in this itinerary attended by the Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, in the presence of the captain of ship Luis Carreras-Presas. Also, the Almirante Chief of Staff of the Navy, Antonio Piñeiro Sánchez, who visited the historic frigate, who is about to meet a century, as shared by the Navy in his networks.
