This is how Millán Salcedo lied about his words against Josema Yuste

Millan Salcedo has returned to the stage with the show Questionmelonwhich premiered a few days ago at the Infanta Isabel Theater in Madrid, and has returned to the front page of the media after attacking his former partner for the umpteenth time Josema Yuste.

In his promotional tour, Salcedo pointed out Vanity Fair that Yuste tried “squeeze the lemon” of the success of Tuesday and Thirteenand also attacked Florentino Fernandezwho shared a duo with his former partner in the duo ‘Josema y Flo’,

His words bothered Yuste, who in statements to Antena 3 denounced the alleged lies of his former partner. And Salcedo, instead of assuming the statements he made to Vanity Fair or apologize, you have tried to accuse the interviewer of being manipulative.

In fact, as you are able to explain Informaliathe only one who has lied is Millán Salcedo himself.

Chronology of a lie

The prestigious magazine Vanity Fair This past Sunday, December 1, he published an interview with Salcedo. The former TVE star addressed her professional breakup with Josema Yuste, from whom she separated permanently in 1998.

Josema wanted to continue squeezing the lemon. In fact, after I broke up, because I was the one who did it, he put together a duet with Flo, because he thought: ‘Well now I call another fat and ugly one and I keep taking him raw.’ Well no, because I may be the fat and ugly one of the group, but I have talent, which Flo doesn’t have.“he assured.

When I decided to break up, no one believed me. Josema came to make an appointment for me with a psychiatrist friend of his so I could go see him. I told him no, let him go if he wanted… He thought I was crazy for wanting to leave such a prosperous and buoyant business. Well yes, because I am a genuine guy who likes things well done. And above all I am true to myself. I can’t betray that audience that has always followed me“said Salcedo.

It is likely that the comedian did not expect the impact that his words would have. Several programs and newspapers echoed them. And last Tuesday, December 3, Yuste showed his anger with his words in And now Sonsoles. “I don’t agree with almost anything, logically. Honestly, I don’t know what all this is about. I don’t know why he did it, I don’t know why he says those things, I don’t understand it. I don’t understand the attack on Flo“he assured.

Millán Salcedo is missing the truth

Millán Salcedo has continued with his media tour and this Thursday, December 5, he sat on the set of Not even if we were Shhh…despite the fact that years ago he cursed Sálvame. The comedian, instead of taking responsibility for his statements, claimed in the program broadcast by Ten that he had suffered manipulation.

The one who did the Vanity Fair interview with me, how evil he is! How he has distorted everything! This is all called manipulation.“, he stated. Salcedo pointed out that his words had been taken out of context to become “bait“.

This medium has had access to the recording of the interview, which in its transition from audio to text did not include some excesses by Salcedo against Yuste and other well-known people.

Like other celebrities, the former Tuesday and ThursdayHe took advantage of the fact that the interview was for a written medium to regret his words. But instead of acknowledging that he was wrong, he tried to kill the messenger unjustly.

Kill the messenger

The author of the interview, the freelance journalist Alex Ander, is dissatisfied with Salcedo’s statements in Not even if we were shhh…. In conversation with Informalia shows his surprise after the attitude adopted by his interviewee.

I would be lying to you if I told you that I wasn’t surprised to see Millán Salcedo, who boasts of being a sincere and outspoken guy, commenting something like “how evil the Vanity Fair journalist” who has “manipulated my words”“. When they asked him why he said that, he responded that he had read cut-off or decontextualized sentences (as if I were to blame for the headlines that are published in the digital ones), but he was unable to give concrete examples and ended up changing the subject. Each time When you asked him if he had said this or that, he would admit that he had,” he says.

The journalist makes it clear that he was very respectful of the truth. “What’s more, everything he said to me about Josema and Flo the day we spoke he also said in his show (which I was able to go see on the day of the premiere). And I had already said some things at the time, although the topic had no impact then… I can guarantee you that I have never manipulated the words of any interviewee. What’s more, it usually happens to me that many of my interviewees thank me for being so faithful in my texts to what they have really told me,” he adds.

You have to have squares to say something like what Millán said, knowing that it is a lie. He knows that the interview is recorded, which you have been able to verify, and that I also left some things that he said out of that little mouth, without him ever telling me that it was ‘off the record’, out of deference and affection towards him.“, he continues

Alex Ander says he understands that perhaps “The repercussions of some of his statements could have been great, but I don’t think that justifies lying or trying to make a colleague who has simply done his job look bad. And of course, this leads me to think that, if he has been able to play dirty with something like a recorded interview, he may also lie about some of the things he told me in it…”

I would like to think that he said that to get out of trouble and save his ass, or because his memory fails a little (something he himself has admitted), and not out of a matter of malice. In any case, it’s enough for you, Millán! But hey, this is the same old story, you have to kill the messenger…”ends