“The last season has taken away my health”

On September 16, Angela Dobrowolski was sentenced to four and a half years in prison for an aggravated crime of injuring Josep Maria Mainat by injecting him with insulin while he was sleeping in June 2020 in order to take his life. As soon as the ruling was known, the creator of formats such as Martian Chronicles u Operation Triumph He spoke out about it with headlines like: “Having your wife and the mother of your children convicted of trying to murder you is not a great joy, but it is an intermediate sentence and justice has been done“.

The Catalan producer, who after learning of the sentence spoke repeatedly about the subject on television programs, has reconnected with the screens this Friday, October 18, but to talk about something that has nothing to do with the matter that almost ends his life. He spoke about Liz Parrish (53 years old), CEO of the biopharmaceutical company BioViva and supposedly a pioneer in the field of gene therapy focused on longevity. She is popularly known as ‘the woman who has her birthday’.

“She has no medical training, she is a marketing expert”he said in Public Mirror (Antenna 3). “She looks for clients for her company and financing, and she does it well because everyone talks to her without her having demonstrated what she does,” he lamented, reiterating: “She remains young because she has taken care of herself aesthetically. She has not published the results of what she says and there is no scientific evidence. Against her, he has ruled: “I feel bad that there is so much hype about this lady. People pay money and it is dangerous. I am not going to say that she is a fake, but what I know is that what she is selling does not exist”.

In Susanna Griso’s program they have contacted the Catalan because Rosa María Sardá’s former husband wants to live to be 120 years old: “Old age is a curable disease”he maintains. He already expressed his thoughts in the book. Optimistic Science (2015), in which he talked about topics such as stem cells, artificial intelligence, genetic engineering or virtual reality. The producer, father of five children (two with the woman who tried to murder him), has been resorting for some time to anti-aging treatments that science is investigating all over the world.

He already explained that at the age of 57 he began to consult specialists and that he ended up trusting a Belgian doctor: “From then on I started doing treatments to take care of myself. Now I am in much better health than when I was 40 years old,” he said in Focus (Four) last year.

This Friday, he denied some of the things that are published about him and explained that he not only resorts to very expensive innovative treatments, but also to what he learned from home: “The best treatments are the ones my grandmother prescribed. Eat healthy and not in large quantities. Sleep well, avoid stress. The last season has messed up my health a bit. [ha dicho entre risas]. And one very important thing is to socialize. Have groups of friends, play sports, a good family life. You don’t need to do weights. I recommend at least walking two or three times a week. And importantly, have sex. Orgasms don’t matter if they are alone or accompanied“, he declared.
