“He loved me and I loved him”

Julián Muñoz passed away in the early hours of Tuesday at the age of 76. The former mayor of Marbella suffered from lung cancer, and his health had worsened considerably in recent months, as reported by his wife, Mayte Zaldívar, who mourned his loss throughout the morning at the San Bernabé funeral home. However, the pain of this death is also lurking outside Marbella. And, While Isabel Pantoja remains silent, Isa, her daughter, has declared that she feels “sad” and “in shock” by the sad news..

Isa Pantoja fondly remembers the years she spent with the former politician, who began an intense and controversial romance with the singer in 2003, after breaking off three decades of marriage with Mayte Zaldívar. The relationship lasted three years, until 2006. At that time, Isa was 12 years old and she took with her the memory of very special moments with Muñoz. She herself has told it in Let’s see.

The young woman spoke via video call and, in conversation with Joaquín Prat, expressed her deep sadness at what happened. “Even though we saw his final hours and that he was very ill, it was a shock to me. I went through a lot of moments this morning. He was super nice to me. He treated me with great affection. I had some good times.”has advanced.

“She loved me. And I loved him too, a lot,” she stressed.insisting on how grateful she feels for having known how to “listen” to her when she was a child. “He has been a person who has marked my life. A beautiful stage in my childhood. He was a loving, attentive person who listened to me, above all,” she said.

The former contestant of Survivors He remembers “the years in Marbella as very good.” He admits that he never longed for a father, although he represented something similar. “I felt like we were a family… That father figure”he reflected. He added: “I was a figure there. I was in charge. I liked that.”

Kiko Rivera’s sister had not seen the former mayor of Marbella since her teenage years. From that moment on, she lost contact with him. “Since he was 16 when he was given his first permit and my mother let me go to see him in Marbella, I don’t know anything about him anymore”.

In this sense, he has spoken about the contempt that Zaldívar’s husband showed towards the singer in his last interview in From Friday. “I saw that they were both very happy and very pleased,” he said, adding that “they both did things wrong.”. However, she stressed: “I do not agree at all with what he says about my mother.” It should be noted that the young woman broke off her relationship with the singer some time ago, with whom she said a few days ago that she felt very disappointed for not having gone to see her at the hospital, where she was admitted suffering from appendicitis.
