Urdangarin and Infanta Cristina’s children and their 90,000 euro car: “Ostentation”

The wedding of Victoria Lopez Quesada y Enrique Moreno de la Cova This Saturday brought together Spanish high society and several members of the royal family. In the absence of an image of the bride and groom, the photo of the day featured Felipe VI driving his own vehicle and arriving at the wedding accompanied by Infanta Cristina. Those who also attended in their own car were: Irene y Juan Urdangarin.

24 hours after the wedding, the children of Urdangarin and Infanta Cristina have received a wave of criticism for using a car valued at 90,000 euros.What I do think is unnecessary ostentation and a huge image failure is that the children of Infanta Cristina drive a Volvo valued at 90,000 euros. (from Zarzuela Park, I suppose, property of National Heritage)”, said journalist Pilar Eyre on X, formerly Twitter, this Sunday.

The communicator’s tweet is full of messages from various users, who also do not share the idea that the Urdangarins went to the wedding of Felipe VI’s goddaughter in a 90,000 euro vehicle.Shameful everything!” o “I think the same. It is no longer national heritage, it is family heritage.“, write several Internet users.

The rest of the members of the royal family at Victoria López Quesada’s wedding

Victoria López Quesada’s wedding was attended this Saturday Felipe VI under the company of the Infanta CristinaThey were also photographed upon their arrival at the wedding, Infanta Elena and Victoria Federica.
