“A blow to the family,” according to their lawyers

Ramon Chippirras, one of the criminologists who are part of the defense team of Daniel Sancho hired by his father, has reacted after learning of the Spaniard’s life sentence. “We do not yet have that assessment. The reading was read very recently and we are still waiting for the Court to transmit it to us electronically.”

The sentence is obviously not what Sancho’s lawyers expected: “But it is clear that the court has taken into account, very much into account, the work carried out by the defense,” explains the spokesman, referring to the fact that no death penalty has been handed down. For its part, the team defending the interests of the Arrieta family has told us that They will try, as far as possible, to ensure that the sentence is served in Thailand. By law, the sentence should be four years in Thailand, but the Arrieta family wants it to be at least eight years until he can be transferred to Spain to finish serving his sentence in Spain.

“We will adhere to the Thai international cooperation law, which states that from the age of four any non-Thai citizen “You can request that your country move you, that transfer to finish serving your sentence in your country. And also regarding the agreements that Spain has with Thailand for the transfer of inmates for this reason since 1983,” he says. Chip red.

Regarding the appeals to the Provincial Court of Appeal and subsequently also to the Supreme Court of Thailand, the defence spokesman confirmed after the verdict that they will be lodged: “We have a first appeal to the Provincial Court of Suratani and a second appeal to the Supreme Court of Thailand and indeed those appeals will be lodged,” he said.

The defense has not yet been read correctly “from the first page to the last,” recalls the lawyer. “Until we have that assessment, there is little more we can say.” We asked about the family, their feelings and sensations after the blow that suggests that Daniel will spend the rest of his life or a large part of it in prison, Ramon Chippirras He simply says that it has been “a blow to the family, to the interests of those we represent, which is Rodolfo,” he told us. “We have to go through that moment of accepting the news and continue working, which is what this team, together with Rodolfo Sancho, have always defended,” concluded the lawyer and this Thursday morning, spokesman for Rodolfo Sancho, Daniel Sancho’s father, who is waiting to know “the small print of this sentence,” how it can be appealed and what steps must be taken from now on.
