The journalist responds to Amelia Bono, who denies her reconciliation with Manuel Martos

Amelia Bono has spoken out. From her words, we can read between the lines that she has exploded like never before. She has used her social networks to clarify what her relationship is with her ex, Manuel Martos, and has slipped an acid “I’m amazed at how some ‘journalists’ can write and report news without checking what they are saying, without any basis.” Amalia was referring to the La 1 program Morning people, where María Eugenia Yagüe said that the businesswoman and the music producer had reconciled.

After the harsh start of the message, José Bono’s daughter continued: “What a shame and how unprofessional. I never deny or affirm anything, but you should be ashamed. That an ex-couple gets along, respects each other, can go out with friends and, what’s more, that they love each other, is it so hard to accept and believe it?” The businesswoman, very angry, continued: “I understand that for certain people this is not easy to assimilate, for those people who only have envy and rage in their body, because I cannot understand why they do that, without taking into account the damage they can cause.” To finish: “Please get used to seeing us together many times and let us live our life and our happiness with our families and friends.”

Statement by Amelia Bono

This information was based on some images in which Manuel and Amelia are seen, together and happy, at the Yatra concert at Starlite Marbella. “In a complicit attitude,” they say from the morning show, which claims to have those photos. If the businesswoman has exploded on the networks, Yagüe has done so on TV: “To start with, I don’t envy you at all. How cute you are, the wonderful children and a husband, who is a charmer… but I don’t envy you at all.” And in a more elevated tone she continued. “Damage? For saying that you are fine with your ex-husband, which is what we always want when a relationship ends?”

And then Yagüe has come up: “Look, I’m putting an audio… look, I’m posting an audio from four days ago where I say that in that family they are all separated… No, they are not all separated, there is one who is not,” the journalist says without going into details of the conversation.Girl, she denies it because she has her reasons. Maybe they were thinking of giving an exclusive, they come back whenever they feel like it.. But the fact that they are together as a couple is said by the person who is closest to Miss Bono.”
